Morozov, "Boundary Ring: a way to construct approx- imate NG solutions with polygon boundary conditions: I. Zn-symmetric configurations," arXiv:0712.0159 [hep-th].H.Itoyama, A.Mironov and A.Morozov, Boundary ring: A Way to construct approximate NG solutions with polygon boundary conditions. ...
HCNNG (Hierarchical Clustering-Based Nearest Neighbor Graph)是近些年在多个benchmark中评测位列前茅的图索引,在许多数据集上性能优于HNSW,在部分生产环境中也有使用。其核心思想是通过多次合并局部最小生成树解决树索引的boundary issue,提高图的近邻连通性,最终提升查询性能。虽然是一个图索引的方法,在原理上却和ran...
Hnswlib - fast approximate nearest neighbor search Header-only C++ HNSW implementation with python bindings, insertions and updates.NEWS:version 0.8.0Multi-vector document search and epsilon search (for now, only in C++) By default, there is no statistic aggregation, which speeds up the multi-...
To this end, we first introduce a new model that incorporates the effects of non-pervasive shocks, an Approximate Dynamic Factor Model with a sparse model for the idiosyncratic component. Then, we test the forecasting performance of this model both in simulations, and on a large panel of US ...
transverse-vibrating clamped-free beam. Consequently, the model of the beam was presented in a five-vertex hypergraph. This model, in the case of approximate frequency-modal analysis, can be imitated in a three-vertex hypergraph. Such formulation could be the introduction to synthesis of ...
Classification schemeFuzzy hashing or similarity hashing (a.k.a. bytewise approximate matching) converts digital artifacts into an intermediate representation to allow an efficient (fast) identification of similar objects, e.g., for blacklisting. They gained a lot of popularity over the past decade...
Morozov, Boundary ring: a way to construct approximate NG solutions with polygon boundary conditions: I. Z n -symmetric configurations , Nucl. Phys. B 808 (2009) 365 [ arXiv:0712.0159 ] [ SPIRES ].H. Itoyama, A. Mironov and A. Morozov, Boundary Ring: a way to construct approximate ...
Fish, R. E., 2011, "Using Water Balance Models to Approximate the Effects of Climate Change on Spring Catchment Discharge: Mt. Hanang, Tanzania", Master of Science in Geology.Fish, R. E. (2011). Using Water Balance Models to Approximate the Effects of Climate Change on Spring Catchment ...
an approximate analysis of the three-dimensional effects of diaphragm wall installation: c. w. w. ng, m. l. lings, b. simpson & d. f. t. nash, geotechnique, 45(3), 1995, pp 497–507doi:10.1016/0148-9062(96)84075-7NoneELSEVIER...