宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的一项研究证明了社交媒体的使用会增加抑郁和孤独感,人们在社交平台上花费的时间与幸福感下降之间存在因果关系;此外,哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院(Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health)发...
Opening a performance with lyrics like "It's OK to be gay" for a roomful of adults is one thing, but it's entirely different for a roomful of kindergartners. What you've just heard is the theme song for my web series "Q...
Kate G. Blackburn, Leah E. LeFebvre & Nick Brody Shadowy knowledge infrastructures Tamar Ashuri When data became big: revisiting the rise of an obsolete keyword Christian Pentzold & Charlotte Knorr Exploring how a YouTube channel’s political stance is associated with early COVID-19 communication ...
Among the adults polled, and the specific political and economic context in slightly less than a third said they which we find ourselves—a bination that’s responded or took some sort of open p a space for more and more people to fan action when witnessing someone the flames of ...
For example, I coordinated a workshop on digital tools and other 21st century skills to help build the capacity of hundreds of young people. I've had so many wonderful opportunities through UNICEF and U-Report and my own YouTu...
Having an online presence, like a YouTube channel, naturally exposes you to trolling and criticism. It’s part of the territory when you put yourself on the internet. Therefore, embracing these people as part of the job builds resilience. After a while...