针对你提出的“ng build --prod error: unknown argument: prod”问题,我可以从以下几个方面进行解答: 确认ng build命令的正确用法: ng build是Angular CLI提供的用于构建Angular应用程序的命令。默认情况下,它会在开发模式下构建应用程序,这意味着构建过程不会进行优化,且会包含详细的源代码映射(source maps)以方便...
{"scripts":{"ng":"ng","start":"ng serve","build":"ng build","watch":"ng build --watch --configuration development","test":"ng test","prod":"ng build --configuration production"},} Theprodscript issues theng buildcommand with--configurationset toproduction. Now you can issue thenpm...
[200, 204], 'recursive_level': 2, 'stop_on_error': false, 'timeout': 5, 'threads': 30, 'wordlist_name': 'dicc' } fetch_url: { 'uses_tools': [ 'gospider', 'hakrawler', 'waybackurls', 'katana' ], 'remove_duplicate_endpoints': true, 'duplicate_fields': ['content_length'...
Solving the If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form control must be defined as 'standalone' error.
the linker plugin can be added to the existing loader configuration as well. Enabling caching for thebabel-loaderis recommended to avoid reprocessing libraries on every build. For additional information regarding thebabel-loaderpackage, please see:https://github.com/babel/babel-loader/tree/main#read...