To help protect against GPS theft, NFU Mutual provides the following advice: Activate PIN security on GPS kit with your own unique number if available. If your system is not PIN enabled, mark your postcode to deter thieves and trace your property back to you. Keep tractors and combine...
Food security: Introduce a legally binding target to enhance food security. The target will apply UK-wide alongside the UK Food Security Index and will also feed into the development of the Land Use Framework. The party also pledged to continue UK farm to Fork Summit every year. Procurement: ...
NFU Mutual has 295 local agency offices across the UK, aiming to provide a personal service to members including quotes that are built around your business. NFU Mutual Business Insurance Maximum Cover Amounts Employers Liability: £10m Apply Now Always check terms & conditions for suitability befo...
NFU Mutual estimates that the cost of dog attacks on farm animals across the UK rose by over £120,000 in 2020 to £1.3 million. Therefore, the NFU has been very pleased to work with Ms Crosbie on this important issue. Recently, Ms Crosbie has met regularly with NFU Cymru a...
The NFU and NFU Mutual has been working with the Home Office along with a number of organisations on the Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill, aimed at making it harder for thieves to steal and resell equipment and tools, namely ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles).