NFT.NYC 2023 As part of NFT.NYC 2023, Andy Lee (Of Counsel, New York) spoke during the following panel sessions: Managing NFT Projects Successfully and Legally| 2:30 p.m. – 2:55 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 NFT projects continue to evolve into real businesses with real legal and operati...
当然,艺术家也可以参与到自己作品的拍卖现场参与拍卖,为了自己作品卖得好价钱,即使使用的一些不当策略也在所不惜。《纽约时报》(New York Times)一篇探讨拍卖行行为的文章称,许多拍卖价格都是预先确定的。卖家将在幕后收到一个保证价格,以确保大量作品高价出售并且以此最大化地进行炒作。持有最抢手也最昂贵作品...
“modern readymade”. the drop is in collaboration with p00ls, under the token company’s digital gallery and in-house nft collective the factory, which launched in january 2023. the drop is exclusive to $00 (p00ls’s token) holders. photo: marie laffont gq : the menswear magazine is ...
Quantum, produced in 2014 by American artist Kevin McCoy, is considered the very first NFT. The project was developed in collaboration with the technologist Anil Dash and Rhizome, an organization affiliated with the New Museum for Contemporary Art in...
截止日期:2023年1月27日 Nokia -软件工程师Co-op - California 项目周期:4个月 申请要求:不限 全职机会 九大投行? Citi - 私人财富管理 -San Francisco 申请要求:本科 Barclays - S&T - New York 申请要求:本科 精品投行? Jefferies - IBD - Houston ...
On July 7, 2023, a date that symbolizes "7/7/7" (2+0+2+3=7), GMS dropped his debut solo album ALONG THE WAY 777, along with NFT's (Polygon/Ethereum) and Tech-enabled apparel. The project is a collaboration with tech-enabled clothing line NEW YORK CULTURE CLUB ...
— 2023 — NFT.NYC, New York [12.04 — 14.04] Unfold Gallery, New York [12.04 — 19.04] Digital Art display at SuperMetall [10.04 — 30.04] "Guiding Thread", Fashion exhibition, Tula, Oktava [22.04 — 01.07] Display at my personal pop-up studio at SuperMetall [15.05 — 15.08] "DE...
《纽约时报》(New York Times)一篇探讨拍卖行行为的文章称,许多拍卖价格都是预先确定的。 卖家将在幕后收到一个保证价格,以确保大量作品高价出售并且以此最大化地进行炒作。 持有最抢手也最昂贵作品的卖家通常不愿意轻易拍卖这件作品,因为他们对于价格还不清楚。
Top 10 NFT Marketing Company/Agencies in 2023 - Hackernoon Top 10+ ICO Marketing Firms/Agencies - GoodFirmsWhy is Blockchain App Factory the Ideal Option for NFT Marketing Solutions? Blockchain App Factory, a top NFT marketing solution provider, offers highly-rated services to boost your NFT ...
June 16, 2023 We’ve come a long waysince the world’s first NFTwas minted in 2014. Since then, projects likeCryptoKitties, Rare Pepes, and CryptoPunkshave revolutionized the industry — both creatively and financially. NFT sales have skyrocketed in response, and many of the most famous and...