NFT’SFeo - Marketplace Website Figma Template is made with a Figma design system where you can edit the component and layers easily. Make your own NFT Marketplace website using that Figma Template. Elibeno can help you create a website for your business
Another superb NFT marketplace website template that will become your assistant in getting a first-class online project. It makes it possible to sell and buy digital items on blockchains. A fully-responsive design is a critical characteristic that makes the site available for all possible viewer...
Buy NowPlace a Bid Share 0.08 ETH1/20 50 Popular Categories Art Music Domain Names Virtual Worlds Trading Cards More Categories Latest News Tips & TricksOctober 28, 2020 How to create NFT item The NFT can be associated with a particular digital or physical asset such as images, art, music...
🌟 Krypto: Discover and Collect Rare NFTs "Krypto" is a visually striking web design concept created by Pratyush Kumar. The design features a sleek and modern interface for a secure marketplace dedicated to buying and selling unique crypto assets. It i
Mintable Templatesa marketplace offering NFT minting web templates with minting capabilities integrated, suitable for both beginners and experienced creators. Rarible - NFT Template Gallerya gallery on the Rarible platform featuring a variety of NFT minting templates created by artists and designers, enabl...
Nufti – NFT Portfolio Template for Blockchain NFT, Asset, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Digital, Marketplace, NFT, Token, Tokens, Virtual, Wallet, and many many more only provide front-end HTML interface NO back-end. It’s fully reponsive in all devices Desktop, all tablets...
ethereum-marketplace-template ⭐️ Star us If this boilerplate helps you build Ethereum dapps faster - please star this project, every star makes us very happy! 🚀 Quick Start 📄 Clone or fork ethereum-nft-marketplace-template: git clone 💿 Install all dependencies: cd ethereum-nf...
The Seller relies on third-party marketplaces to sell the NFT, so the Buyer and any transaction they facilitate will become subject to any terms and conditions of the site/marketplace. As such, the Buyer understands and agrees that their purchase of the NFT can be influenced by the terms ...
Folders and files Latest commit paulsimroth Merge branch 'main' of a90ccef· Feb 15, 2023 History107 Commits build/contracts client contracts migrations test package-lock.json package.json truffle-config.js ...
Sample page structure of nft website MarketplaceA vibrant space where users can explore, buy, and sell diverse NFTs from various creators. Featured ArtistsHighlighting the talented individuals behind the creations, showcasing their unique styles and contributions. ...