Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\cache Origin Games\Need for Speed Unbound\shadercache 3) Verify Game Files If you are facing this error because of missing or corrupted game files, then you must verify the game files. To do that, go to Steam > Library > right-click on NFS Unbound ...
1) Delete the DX12 File – The first fix is to delete the DX12 File. You can find this file in the following folder paths: Origin Games\Need for Speed Unbound\shadercache and Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\cache Steamlibrary\steamapps\common\NFS Unbound\shadercache Delete the ...
Verwijder de bestand met DX12 in z'n naam in \Origin Games\Need for Speed Unbound\shadercache en \Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\cache Instaleer VC++ opnieuw. Je kan het hier downloaden: Start...
★★★ Novice Cześć, od wczoraj mam problem z uruchomieniem NFS Unbound. Podczas uruchamiania wyskakuje komunikat "DirectX Error" - "DirextX function "createrComputePipelineState" failed with E_INVALIDARG ("An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function."). GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce...
C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\OneDrive\Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\cache C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\OneDrive\Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\settings C:\Program Files\EA Games\Need for Speed Unbound\shadercache Really hope it works for more people who have paid and can't play...
C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\OneDrive\Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\cache C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\OneDrive\Documents\Need For Speed(TM) Unbound\settings C:\Program Files\EA Games\Need for Speed Unbound\shadercache Really hope it works for more people who have paid and can't play...