Product:Need for Speed: Unbound Platform:PlayStation 5 Summarize your bugStory complete but trophy hasn't unlocked. I'm trophy hunting and am 98% done with all of the collectibles but the grand trophy- something unlocked via progression hasn't been unlocked. How often does the bug occur?Ever...
需要速度36(need_for_speed_PNG36.png) 需要解除速度限制-4K_3840X2160(need-for-speed-unbound-4k_3840x2160) 作品集: 游戏壁纸 1000张 mooc1121 9个月前 天空一线 天空 云 4k风景壁纸3840x2160_彼岸图网 作品集: 图片 9840张 东界djooi 1年前 需要解除速度限制-4k游戏-2022_3840X2160(nee...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":9431511,"subject":"NFS Unbound Error Code 6 & Error Code 9: \"Unable to save file\"","id":"message:9431511","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":148},"Conversation:conversation:9431511":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":...
I been trying to re-download unbound to play it, but it doesn't even let me re-download it, i have uninstalled the EA App 2 times already, cleared... - 9422883
I bought NFS Unbound Palace Edition fir Xbox series x console from Microsoft. Its running fine on console. I also have Xbox Pass Ultimate with give me access... - 7579067
NFS Unbound - Access Denied Product: Necessidade de velocidade: UnboundPlatform:PCSummarize your bug Access Denied! I played for Origin normally, started using the EA App and just doesn't recognize that I have the game and asks to buy again.How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)...
Product: Need for Speed: UnboundPlatform:Xbox Series XSummarize your bug I am stuck on Friday night I did all the races and didn’t get any of my rewards for... - 9441707