(or at leasst how i imagine it) is as follows 1. Installer downloads all necessary files for the game. 2. Makes a check for pre-requisite files like DirectX and VC redistributable packages as a hard requirement. 2.1 Makes a scan on the system to see is is the package installed 2.1....
Need for speed unbound is full of cheaters, forced to deactivate cross play to avoid playing against PC players who have no merit in playing! They drive at more than 480, 500 kmh, this game is rubbish. They ruin the reinforced protection parts, frankly, this game is beautiful. In additio...
For some of us you have took the game and crashes into a brick wall you ain't going to compensate us for it you ain't going to give us nothing for it we're already losing time effort money and stress. But yeah I'm seriously I'm going to ask someone about this because something ...
"section.uGpDqB.title":"Forum Discussion","section.krgSjf.description":"","section.WAvWNM.description":"","section.rdifSG.title":"Forum Discussion","section.Ztasdq.description":"","section.ziwsBI.title":"Forum Discussion","section.UePvLG.description":"","section.JJWDYh.description":"",...
"section.uGpDqB.description":"","section.oBAOeU.description":"","section.ZWelNv.title":"Forum Discussion","section.EMUkUA.title":"Forum Discussion","section.SATAFq.description":"","section.okBcHE.description":"","section.hVxQLt.title":"Forum Discussion","section.pQxvsq.description":"",...
Three years ago in 2021 I uninstall and reinstall need for speed heat but when I reinstall it, I find that all my game progress is gone, and I tried to download my data, but there’s no data that contains any of my game progress ...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Buy a surface studio (nvidia RTX A2000 Laptop GPU) and install windows 10. Install steam and buy the game. Install EA app Try to launch te game What happens when the bug occurs?A window pops up with the error message ...
"section.uGpDqB.title":"Forum Discussion","section.krgSjf.description":"","section.WAvWNM.description":"","section.rdifSG.title":"Forum Discussion","section.Ztasdq.description":"","section.ziwsBI.title":"Forum Discussion","section.UePvLG.description":"","section.JJ...
"section.uGpDqB.description":"","section.oBAOeU.description":"","section.ZWelNv.title":"Forum Discussion","section.EMUkUA.title":"Forum Discussion","section.SATAFq.description":"","section.okBcHE.description":"","section.hVxQLt.title":"Forum Discussion","section.pQxvsq.description":"","...
//Update2 Ich habe es jetzt nochmal mit dem Revo Installer deinstallert, ebenso jegliche damit verbundenen Dateien und siehe da: es geht immer noch nicht! Auf keinem der beiden PCs! Jedes andere Spiel geht, nur NFS nicht! Moin@FuerstPerson, ...