den EA Launcher in den Offline-Modus zu versetzen oder das vorherige neustarten des Systems auch keine Besserung des Porblems brachte. Es ist einfach enttäuschend das man hier für einen voll Preis Triple -A Titel, den man sich extra auch schon weit nach dem Release kauft (in der Hoffnu...
NFS boot fails P4080DS Options SOLVED Jump to solution 06-28-2020 10:46 PM 2,054 Views appalanaidug Contributor II Hi, we're trying to setup NFS boot for P4080DS with host as Ubuntu 14. we've followed Yocto NFS & TFTP boot document. after u-boot we've booted through...
NOTE: If you're going to download and install this mod be sure you have installed the latest versions ofNFS Underground 2 Unlimiter, NFSU2 Extra Options, NFSU2 Car Sound Tuner andGlobal Memory File Fixed for a better experience. NEXT RELEASES: ...
服务器IP:,主机名:p470-1, 通过NFS 共享/disk1目录 在客户端使用 mount -t nfs p470-1:/disk1 /disk1 时出现"mount: mount to NFS server 'p470-1' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered."错误提示。 出错原因:p470-1由于网络原因nfs 服务被中断,重新开启p470-1的nfs 服务, 然后在...
Product: Need for Speed: UnboundPlatform:PlayStation 5Summarize your bug I'm still getting error code 6 and losing my designs, actually it removes them and I... - 9431544
NOTE: If you're going to download and install this mod youMUST have installed the latest versions of NFS Underground 2 Unlimiter,NFSU2 Extra Options,NFSU2 Car Sound Tuner andGlobal Memory File Fixed for a better experience. NEXT RELEASES: ...
1.启动服务,并设置开机自启动 /etc/init.d/rpcbind start /etc/init.d/nfs start rpcinfo -p localhost chkconfig nfs on chkconfig rpcbind on 2.配置nfs服务,在NFS服务端,注意这里不要有空格,如:0/24(rw.sync) echo "/data2,sync)" >> /etc/exports ...
it would still be nice to have a badge of prestige and do it again if the player wanted. I can't speak for everyone but if it's not too much trouble to add, it would add just an extra bit of fun to play and progress similar to other MP games. I personally wish modern NFS g...
NOTE: If you're going to download and install this mod be sure you have installed the latest versions of NFS Underground 2 Unlimiter,NFSU2 Extra Options,NFSU2 Car Sound Tuner andGlobal Memory File Fixed for a better experience. NEXT RELEASES: ...
- Added four more seat styles (those are the ones used by my other cars like '95 Eclipse GSX, Saturn Ion, '71 Mustang Mach 1, etc. Of course, like the existing seats, new ones also come from Lada Racing Club)- Added extra drivers (Undercover Female, World Female, ...