# mount /data -t nfs -o rw mount: mount to NFS server ‘’ failed: System Error: No route to host. 故障原因: 防火墙被打开,关闭防火墙。 这个原因很多人都忽视了,如果开启了防火墙(包括iptables和硬件防火墙),NFS默认使用111端口,我们先要检测是否打开了这个端...
# mount /data -t nfs -o rw mount: mount to NFS server ‘’ failed: System Error: No route to host. 故障原因: 防火墙被打开,关闭防火墙。 这个原因很多人都忽视了,如果开启了防火墙(包括iptables和硬件防火墙),NFS默认使用111端口,我们先要检测是否打开了这个端...
nfsv4显示nobody nfs no route to host 1、开启portmap和nfs服务 service portmap start service nfs start 2、将要共享的目录写到exports文件中 假设共享的目录为 /sharedisk/ vim /etc/exports 在exports文件中添加 /sharedisk,no_root_squash,async) #表示将/sharedisk这个目录共享给192.168.0...
*/ #ifdef CONFIG_NFS_DEBUG # define NFS_DEBUG #endif #include <linux/in.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/pagemap.h> #include <linux/rbtree.h> #include <linux/rwsem.h> #include <linux/wait.h> #include <linux/sunrpc/debug.h> #include <linux/sunrpc/auth.h> #i...
nfsd - NFS daemon nfsd は、クライアントファイルシステムの要求を処理するデーモンです。 {PRIV_SYS_NFS} および /var/run に書き込めるだけの十分な特権を備えたユーザーだけが、このデーモンを実行できます。
master Switch branches/tags Branches Tags Could not load branches Nothing to show {{ refName }} View all branches webtech/doc/DRBD项目实施之NFS高可用架构.md Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy permalink Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 架构拓扑: 简...
“Before starting the playlist, we need to see the race route when choosing a car.” Dev Response: This is something we have been looking into but unfortunately is one of those ‘seems easy but isn't’ things. That being said, we are still investigating how we could make some changes ...
#NFS服务端给NFS客户端提供服务需要借助RPC协议的rpcbind服务(CentOS6开始的叫法,CentOS5及之前叫portmap服务),实现通信 #NFS不监听任何端口;最终实现TCP/IP通信的过程是由RPC监听111端口实现的 NFS传输过程:先由服务端的NFS服务在RPC服务商注册一个端口,然后服务端的RPC服务通过TCP/IP将注册的端口号告知客户端的RPC...
For the HA functionality of the NFS servers, a private Gigabit Ethernet network is configured to monitor server health and heartbeat, and to provide a route for the fencing operations. Power to the NFS servers is driven by two APC switched PDUs on two separate power buses. 10 Dell HPC NFS...
While TCP/IP most frequently is run over Ethernet, it can also be used with a synchronous serial line or fiber optic network. Different implementations of the first two network layers are used, but the higher-level protocols are unchanged. Consider an NFS server that uses all six lower ...