mount -t nfs -v /home/share 当系统重启,需要重新挂载,可通过如下命令,让系统重启后自动挂载。 echo" /home/share nfs defaults 0 0">> /etc/fstab 参考 how-to-mount-an-nfs-share-in-linux how-to-setup-nfs-server-in-linux https://blog.csdn....
设置SELinux安全上下文 [root@sambaserver samba]# semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t /home/database[root@sambaserver samba]# restorecon -Rv /home/database/restoreconreset/home/database context unconfined_u:object_r:home_root_t:s0->unconfined_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0[root@sambaserver ...
(4)SELinux上下文和策略设置 由于/home目录是系统中普通用户的家目录,因此不仅要考虑文件读写权限,还要注意SELinux安全上下文以及域策略所带来的限制(原始的主配置文件中有关于SELinux安全上下文策略的配置说明)。 设置SELinux安全上下文 [root@sambaserver samba]# semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t /home/dat...
Only the required mount options are included in the script, but you can add other recommended mount options.You have now mounted your NFS share.Mount an NFS share using /etc/fstabIf you want the NFS file share to automatically mount every time the Linux server or VM boots, create a ...
How to mount Linux as an NFS client of a Windows Server NFS share? How can I access to NFS share on my Linux server from Windows? How to mount Windows NFS share in Linux?Resolution Disclaimer: Links contained herein to external website(s) are provided for convenience only. Red Hat has...
由于/home目录是系统中普通用户的家目录,因此不仅要考虑文件读写权限,还要注意SELinux安全上下文以及域策略所带来的限制(原始的主配置文件中有关于SELinux安全上下文策略的配置说明)。 设置SELinux安全上下文 [root@sambaserver samba]# semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t /home/database ...
The changes which we did in previous steps are non-persistent which would mean that it will not survive post reboot of the Linux node. To make the NFS share permanent, define it in the fstab file or you can also use systemctl to update fstab file: foc@ubuntu22:~$ sudo nano /etc/fst...
As shown here, we successfully created b2.txt in the file share. 4.2. Using docker compose Let’s create a file named docker-compose.yml and specify the bind mount under volumes: version: "3.8" services: bindmount2: image: alpine:latest container_name: bindmount2 volumes: - "/mnt/test...
# in the samba-doc package for details. security = share ---早期的linux版本的配置文件smb.conf的安全选项“security=share”,这个默认值是个安全隐患,不过现在流行的linux版本的安全选项的默认值是“security=user” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [
SFS容量型文件系统的格式为:文件系统域名:/路径,例如。 SFS Turbo标准型、标准型-增强版、性能型、性能型-增强版文件系统的格式为:文件系统IP:/,例如192.168.0.0:/。 SFS Turbo 20MB/s/TiB、40MB/s/TiB、125MB/s/TiB、250MB/s/TiB、500MB/s/TiB、1000MB/s/TiB和HPC缓存型文件...