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I have raised an EA Support case 141643160 which led to no help at all. To get from the top The issue appears when during the installation. While reverse engineering the issue, what happens (or at leasst how i imagine it) is as follows 1. Installer downloads all necessary files ...
Click Attribute Editor. The user group properties to be configured are gidNumber and memberUid. You can double-click the names of the properties to modify them. Alternatively, you can select a property name and click Edit to modify it.Configuring...
To use add-on cars you should either create a new savefile or patch your existing savefile with the Save Patcher and Save Editor tools. Patch the save first then open the save with the save editor and save it. Used tools: ZModeler 1.07b | NFS Car-Toolkit 3.0 | GIMP | DXTBmp | NF...
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Open the/etc/exportsfile in the Linux machine using a text editor. Add a line similar to: /mnt/usb/fileshareIP_address(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) WhereIP_addressis the IP address of the host. Save and close the file. ...
On Windows NT, a sampleHOSTSfile has the path nameC:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS. If you edit this file using a text editor, save it without a.TXTor.DOCextension. Installing Solstice NFS Client Solstice NFS Client relies on the Microsoft TCP/IP network protocol stack to provide the ...
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