Issue According on man pagerpc.gssd.conf(8),rpc-timeoutis equivalent to-t: Raw -t timeout Timeout, in seconds, for kernel GSS contexts. This option allows you to force new kernel contexts to be negotiated after timeout seconds, which allows changing Kerberos tickets and identities frequentl...
Soft: 当服务端宕机或不可达时,客户端会断链接会等待kernal设置的timeout返回I/O ERROR,会造成数据丢失和破坏。 timeo and retrans RPC请求重传相关的两个参数。timeo表示RPC消息等待时间,如果客户端在这个时间内没有接收到应答消息,则认为RPC消息失败了。retrans表示RPC请求重试次数,当达到这个次数时客户端根据soft/h...
Lockd_nullrpc_timeout() Monitor_retry_count() Monitor_retry_interval() Mountd_nullrpc_restart() Mountd_nullrpc_timeout() Nfsd_nullrpc_restart() Nfsd_nullrpc_timeout() Rpcbind_nullrpc_reboot() Rpcbind_nullrpc_timeout() Statd_nullrpc_timeout() ...
#showmount -e /data1, 到网上找了一下,发现不少人都遇到过类似问题Linux nfs mount RPC :timeout,还有国外的论坛说这个timeout问题是linux内核问题需要升级内核才能解决,崩溃ing,正准备放弃的时候看到一篇介绍nfs命令的资料,我只是大概扫了一下但页面底部的那么一小段文字立刻让我...
Set-NfsClientConfiguration [-InputObject <CimInstance[]>] [-TransportProtocol <String[]>] [-MountType <String>] [-CaseSensitiveLookup <Boolean>] [-MountRetryAttempts <UInt32>] [-RpcTimeoutSec <UInt32>] [-UseReservedPorts <Boolean>] [-ReadBufferSize <UInt32>] [-WriteBufferSize <UInt32>...
PS C:\> Get-NfsClientConfiguration Service State : Running Case-sensitive Lookups : Disabled Default Access Mode : 755 Mount Type : SOFT Mount Retry Attempts : 1 RPC Timeout (seconds) : 8 Read Buffer Size (KB) : 1024 Write Buffer Size (KB) : 1024 Use Reserved Ports : Enabled Authentic...
Controls the default RPC timeout for NFS version 4 mounted file systems using connection-oriented transports such as TCP for the transport protocol. The NFS Version 4 protocol specification disallows retransmission over the same TCP connection. Thus, this parameter primarily controls how quickly the ...
Looking at thenfs-utilspackage, it seems to be due to the fact that a hard coded default timeout of 5 seconds is reached when rpc.gssd is contacting the NFS server to negotiate the gss security context for the user. The timeout should be increased when gss security is used. ...
使用SFS盘出现报错rpc_check_timeout:939 callbacks suppressed suppressed"日志。这个日志只是说明某个IO处理时间超过 1 分钟了,不会造成数据丢失。客户端有重试机制,等峰值过去后,所有IO最终都会正确处理。所以理论上,出现该错误日志, 并不会造成数据丢失, 只是SFS客户端I/O速度变慢或卡顿,但最终会争取处理。 处...