{"__ref":"Forum:board:need-for-speed-franchise-discussion-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9429947"},"subject":"Re: How to change controls on NFS: Most Wanted [PC]","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderati...
Discuss the latest news and game information around Need for Speed™ Unbound in the community forums.1,143 Posts Start a Discussion Recent Discussions Tagged: Tag
Lamborghini Gallardo VS Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (Most Wanted 3 Race) 極速快感 新全民公敵 黑名單3,這場屢敗屢戰,志在挑贏電腦,無意挑戰更快時間! Lamborghini Gallardo 林寶堅尼/藍寶堅尼/蘭博基尼蓋拉多 Need For Speed Most Wanted 極速快感/極品飛車 新全民公敵...
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post)This game will not run in a virtual environment" - trying to Launch NFS Most Wanted Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with?Launch Game When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy...
Thanks for all the support and feedback on #NFSUnbound Vol.6 Before we tell you all about Vol.7, we wanted to take a moment to address your feedback,... - 9387552
The game uses a different graphics engine then the the does. Sadly Part of the quality of graphics are also due to the size of the game on pc. compared to the run. The run takes up 15GB of storage where Most wanted is only 5GB. Most of that space most likely because the texture ...
Most Wanted stürzt mit EA-App beim Starten immer ab. Solved 3 days ago Grandpa_1964_04 Need for speed Unbound kann nicht gestartet werden 7 days ago Eliers29 Spiel konnte nicht gestartet werden 9 days ago Drabadur Standard oder Ultimate Version 9 days ago Kutiwara-09 Trophäen Feh...
revision=1","title":"1000007064.png","associationType":"BODY","width":1220,"height":2712,"altText":""},"ForumTopicMessage:message:11868519":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"NEED FOR SPEED: Most wanted - Android 15","conversation":{"__ref":"Conver...
Since the creation of need for speed underground 1&2 plus need for speed most wanted, the games have been designed to be more different that those mentioned above, however they do not have that initial focus on what made the franchise popular back then. It’ll be wise to release a collec...
I was met with a NFS that was completely reset, my rep was back to 1, it shows the car from the beginning chase and it even asked if I wanted to select the difficulty for the game again. I've played 8 hours and have several achievements that it still confirms, yet it acts like ...