Need for Speed Heat, CPU 90-100% load fix (script, windows) - Octanium91/NFS_Heat_CPU_Load_FIX
I've had NFS Heat since last year and decided to pick it up again, recently. However, since yesterday, my game begins stuttering after a while.Either after 10-20 minutes of playing it or after just 5 or less. A problem I never had until now. What happens is that the game sits at ...
because people told me that it resembles Sunline Racing Skyline more than 2 Fast 2 Furious Skyline, despite sharing the same front bumper, even though I only used front bumper of this thing due to me having problems with adapting Heat and Unbound bodykit parts to NFS World ...
I am able to complete probably 50% of races I start and getting busted often too if on Heat 5. Look like the dev are playing it on consoles. Can't believe it launched with such a terrible issue. Hope they will quickly address this issue. I tried the firmware update also on my...
在WIN7系统,使用虚拟光驱安装极品飞车2,然后将nfsfix和memfix拷贝到极品飞车2安装目录,到任务管理器中找到explorer.exe进程,结束进程,桌面和所有图标就全部消失了,使用任 分享2644 nfshp2吧 Brake_Drift 【吧务】NFSHP2吧相关导航1L是空的 分享6赞 极品飞车吧 CMRDNOOB 【补档】NFSUG2+NFSPS资源整合贴原来发的...
TODO: Current state fails to install the CUDA version of PyTorch, so make different files for each OS (Ubuntu/Windows) Use StyleGAN-NADA models with any part of the code (Issue #9) The StyleGAN-NADA models must first be converted via Vadim Epstein 's conversion code found here. TODO li...
What's my best route to take right now, I'm an OG NFS player and I'm getting extremely frustrated that I can't even play the game right now. I am on PC, it seems this is a console and PC issue but I haven't found a concrete fix. I feel like I just wasted my money to pl...
Locked out 3 hours ago cheese101010 NEED FOR SPEED: Most wanted - Android 15 3 hours ago dnlsimmer G29 steering wheel stopped working in NFS Heat since EA App Update (?) 11 hours ago Veltior Why don't I see the daily challenges? 16 hours ago NotPng Show More ...