[Steam] NFS Heat вылетаетпризапуске.","id":"message:9330101","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":11},"Conversation:conversation:9330101":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:9330101","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:9330101"},"las...
EZ_Buddie Hero+ 2 years ago @AnOn1M2https://help.ea.com/ru/help/pc/link-ea-and-steam/ No RepliesBe the first to reply About EA app Техническиевопросыиошибки
NFS Heat незапускаетсявавтономнойрежиме. Вчемпроблема? MirovoyVlad 3 years ago Solved Покупалв Steam, профильв EA привязан. Новыйклиентустановленот EA....
Купил NFS Heat встиме, посленажатиянакнопкуигратьоткрывается Origin ипроситключактивациикигре (таккаконанеопознана)(скрин). Вродеакк Steam к Origin прив...
Starte danach die EA App und teste, ob sich NFS Heat nun starten lässt. Gruß Wo hattest du das Spiel denn gekauft? Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Händler nicht von EA authorisiert war und der Key daher gesperrt wurde. ...
Hello. I tryed to start over the career in NFS Heat, cant find the savegame to delete it, and in game i have no option to start again. what to do? ☹️ I finished the game, i want to play again from begining.. is no way? Checked steam options , there is nothing there, ...
Nfs Heat пропалпрогресс Наигралв nfs heat 90 часовипослеперезагрузкипкслетелвесьпрогресс, перезаходвигрумиллионразнепомог, проверкафайловигрытож...
I've had NFS Heat since last year and decided to pick it up again, recently. However, since yesterday, my game begins stuttering after a while. Either after... - 9473974
NFS Heat HELP Product:ПриложениеЕА Platform:PC Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with?Game Hub When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm)28 10 22 ...
Hi everyone, Need For Speed Heat is currently on sale on Steam. I've bought the game, but my G29 Logitech steering wheel is not getting recognised in the game anymore since a couple of days. It's being recognised as an Xbox Controller instead, with a wrong layout. Others in the Need...