本文說明如何使用 Azure 檔案儲存體上的 NFS 來部署和設定 VM、安裝叢集架構,以及安裝 HA SAP NetWeaver 系統。 範例設定會使用在 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 上執行的 VM。針對SLES for SAP Applications 15 上的新實作,建議在簡單掛接設定中為SAP ASCS/ERS 部署高可用性。 本文中...
NFSv4 introduced full support for the use of Kerberos for authentication of users and encryption of all NFS traffic. There was an attempt to integrate Kerberos with NFSv3, but because of the use of NLM/NSM and other external protocols, only data payloads are encrypted. ...
NFS Azure-filresurser erbjuds endast på Premium-filresurser, som lagrar data på SSD-enheter (Solid State Drives). IOPS och dataflödet för NFS-resurser skalas med den etablerade kapaciteten. Se avsnittetetablerad modelliartikeln Förstå faktureringför att förstå formler f...
\n In our case, both first name and full name are set to “linuxclientuser-nfs”. User UPN logon is “nfs/linuxclient.contoso.com@CONTOSO.COM”. User SamAccountName is set to contoso\\linuxclientuser-nfs. Be sure to choose the correct encryption options, namely “Kerberos AES 256 bit...
and Queues, to name just a few components ofAzure Storage. It is by nature highly available and highly durable. Azure Files also supportsfull file system access semanticssuch as strong consistency and advisory byte range locking, and can efficiently serve frequent in-place updates to your data....
I'm trying to mount an Azure File share to Ubuntu 19.10. I've copied the instructions as they appear in the right sidebar. After it runs, I get the error in the title. I obviously can't paste what I copied from the Azure portal due to security issues. Should be able to duplicat...
TheNODELAYoption disables the Nagle algorithm, which prevents delays in your NFS traffic at the expense of (potentially) sending "tinygrams"—stunnel will not wait in the hope of a full packet to send, which should make operations on small amounts of data more responsive. If you will be ex...
Once you have configured the SAP resources in the cluster, make sure all resources have started and that the cluster status is OK: \nOnline: [ afs-cl1 afs-cl2 ]\nFull list of resources:\n rsc_st_azure (stonith:fence_azure_arm): Started afs-cl1\n...
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