NFS(Network File System)即网络文件系统,是FreeBSD支持的文件系统中的一种,它允许网络中的计算机之间通过TCP/IP网络共享资源。在NFS的应用中,本地NFS的客户端应用可以透明地读写位于远端NFS服务器上的文件,就像访问本地文件一样。 以下是NFS最显而易见的好处: 1. 节省本地存储空间,将常用的数据存放在一台NFS服...
1.5 配置nfs NFS的配置文件: /etc/exports [root@nfs01~]$ man exportsEXAMPLEsample/etc/exports file/master(rw)trusty(rw,no_root_squash)/projects proj*.local.domain(rw)/usr*.local.domain(ro)@trusted(rw)/home/joe pc001(rw,all_squash,anonuid=150,anongid=100)/pub*(ro,insecure,all_squash)/...
测试环境: server)、 Client) 操作系统问:centos7在server端安装NFS,执行命令:yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind在server端编辑/etc/exports文件,添加 NFS 共享存储 文件共享服务之NFS NFS: Network File SystemRPC:Remote Procedure CallLPC:Local Procedure Call Client先...
nfs配置文件默认存在/etc/exports vim /etc/exports #share /data by oldboy for share at 20170220 /data,sync) /etc/exports文件说明: 第一部分:/data --指定共享目录信息 第二部分: --指定了一个网段信息,表示允许指定的网段主机挂载到我本地的共享目录上 第三部分:(rw...
The export path is relative to file system's mount point. The path of the file or directory is specified with forward slashes (/). For example: mnt/gpfs0/rest01. The forward slashes in the path are encoded to %2F in the request URL. Required. body Body of the request that contains ...
rpc.mount:主要功能是管理NFS的文件系统,当客户端顺利通过nfsd登录NFS服务器后,在使用NFS服务所提供的磁盘前,还必须通过目录使用权限的验证,它会读取NFS的配置文件/etc/exports(初始文件为空)来对比客户端权限 portmap:主要功能是进行端口映射工作 idmap:进程实现用户映射和压缩 ...
Before you edit the etc/exports file, the directories and files that you want shared on the instance must already exist, and must have the appropriate permissions, as required by your environment. Follow the tutorial at Create an NFS server on Oracle Linux. Access the NFS share. See Accessi...
Edit the/etc/exportsfile to define the directories that the server will make available for clients to mount. This directory will contain the ACSLS installation for both nodes. Each entry consists of the local path to the exported directory, followed by a list of clients (nodes 1 and 2) that...
Description TheSet-NfsSharecmdlet changes configuration settings for an existing share that Server for Network File System (NFS) exports. You can use theNetworkNameparameter to select a share in a server cluster.NetworkNameis not required when you modify configuration settings of non-clustered (stand...
Network File System (NFS)260Be careful when using wildcards with fully qualified domain names, as they tend to be more exactthan expected. For example, the use of * as a wildcard allows sales.example.comto access an exported file system, but not To ...