You need to restart the NFS service for the modification to take effect. Suggestion: Restart the NFS service after the modification. Do you wish to continue?(y/n)y Command executed successfully. 修改NFS最大并发请求个数。 developer:/>change service nfs_config max_request_number=1024 CAUTION: ...
developer:/>change service nfs_config nfs_send_detach_switch=disable CAUTION: You are about to modify the NFS service. The modification does not take effect immediately. You need to restart the NFS service for the modification to take effect. Suggestion: Restart the NFS service after the modific...
must match deployment's env PROVISIONER_NAME' allowVolumeExpansion: true parameters: pathPattern: "${.PVC.namespace}-${}" onDelete: delete
CPU:单位millicore ( 1core=1000millicore) MEM:单位Byte ephemeral storage(临时存储): 单位Byte 自定义资源:配置时必须为整数 2、配置方法:资源配置分为Request/limit 两种 CPU: spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu #示例:250m,3 MEM: spec.containers[].resou...
"true"effect: "NoSchedule"containers:- name: csi-provisionerimage: "-v=5"- "--csi-address=$(ADDRESS)"- "--leader-election"env:- name: ADDRESSvalue: /csi/csi.sockvolumeMounts:- mountPath: /csiname: socket-dirresources:limits:cpu:...
LGPL-2.1 license Quick install: === in most cases the following should work to factor the number 903...693 using all cores on the local machine 1) make 2) ./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 More details follow. Important note: For a larger factorization (distr...
Infos zum System: CPU: Ryzen 7 3700x GPU: AMD RX7900XT RAM: 32GB Spiel ist auf einer PCIe 4.0 NVME installiert , kannst du einmal Nord VPN für den Moment deaktivieren? Deaktiviere auch einmal jegliche Overlays.
k8s使⽤NFS的⼏种⽅式 k8s下要使⽤NFS有4种⽅法。⼀、直接创建nfc的volume 直接创建PV:apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata:name: nfs-imagenet spec:capacity:storage: 150Gi volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes:- ReadOnlyMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: nfs ...
分配硬盘大小一般20G足够了 6.CPU 内存 什么的都可以自定义 一般来说默认也是OK的 7.上一步点击完成 稍等一下就会进入这个界面 选择第一个安装 8.选择语言 最下面貌似有中文 一般选择English就行了 9.这里会显示异常点...安装centos7 问题记录 今天在戴尔T630上安装centos7的时候,无法正常的图形化界面安装,...