Environment OS version: ubuntu 20.04 Processor architecture: x64, 32 threads NFS-GANESHA version: 5.7 Check List Description I'm trying to export a DFS via nfs-ganesha. I have completed writing the FSAL plugin according to the implementa...
4.启动并验证服务 sudo systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server# CentOSsudo systemctl start nfs-kernel-server# Ubuntu# 查看共享列表sudo exportfs -v# 验证端口开放rpcinfo -p localhost 三、客户端配置 5.安装客户端工具 # Ubuntu/Debiansudo apt-get install nfs-common# CentOS/RHELsudo yum install nfs-utils...
* states -- OFF to OFF, OFF to ON and ON to OFF. ON to ON with an updated * configuration is not supported. */ static void handle_krb5_config_update(nfs_krb5_parameter_t new_krb5_param) { if (!nfs_param.krb5_param.active_krb5) { if (!new_krb5_param.active_krb5) { LogInfo(...
4.安装KubeSphere #下载核心文件,并修改cluster-configuration.yaml后执行 kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/releases/download/v3.3.0/kubesphere-installer.yaml kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/releases/download/v3.3.0/cluster-configuration.yaml #查看安...
Of course, you can opt for Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux, openSUSE, or other systems based on your preferences. Cockpit installation, configuration, and plugin setup Step 1: Install and launch Cockpit Most mainstream Linux distributions support Cockpit installation. If your system lacks a pre-installe...
ubuntu 部署 NFS k8s 简介 目前Kubernetes为Ubuntu提供的kube-up脚本,不支持15.10以及16.04这两个使用systemd作为init系统的版本。 这里详细介绍一下如何以非Docker方式在Ubuntu16.04集群上手动安装部署Kubernetes的过程。 手动的部署过程,可以很容易写成自动部署的脚本。同时了解整个部署过程,对深入理解Kubernetes的架构及各...
for automated configuration:建议使用 mount units 作为工具,即用于自动配置。❝ For tooling, ...
Ubuntu configuration Configure two VMs with the same hostname to access NFSv4.1 volumes Next steps The NFS client configuration described in this article is part of the setup when youconfigure NFSv4.1 Kerberos encryptionorcreate a dual-protocol volumeorNFSv3/NFSv4.1 with LDAP. A wide variety of...
环境介绍:采用的是华为云的ECS弹性云服务器--镜像安装的CentOS7.4 64位 ---是服务器版,非桌面版哦。 在CentOS7.4服务器版本的环境下搭建NFS服务器、安装ffmpeg、安装nginx服务器、部署Qt编译环境。 (1)配置NGINX为HTTP服务器,安装rtmp模块,完成rtmp视频推流,支持缓存视频到本地目录、支持转为HLS流,通过浏览器访问...
github.com/JasonGiedymin/nginx-init-ubuntu/master/nginx -O /etc/init.d/nginx chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx update-rc.d nginx defaults 5.6 控制nginx服务的3个命令: 启动、停止、重启 代码语言:javascript 复制 service nginx start service nginx stop service nginx restart 或者 nginx -s reload (...