首先,在开始安装之前,我们需要确认:要配置的是NFS Client 还是NFS Server?注意,不是Windows Server系统就一定配置的是NFS Server,通常Windows Server也往往被用来当作NFS Client来使用。这里我演示的是如何在Windows Server上配置NFS Client 。 1. 安装NFS client 以管理员身份打开PowerShell 因为是NFS客户端,所以这里...
当将同一个文件系统分别挂载到已创建的Linux云主机和Windows云主机后,在Windows云主机上无法对在Linux云主机上创建的文件写入数据。需要通过修改注册表将Windows访问NFS时的UID和GID均修改为0,操作步骤如下。 1.在计算机“运行”中输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器。 2.进入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientFo...
nfsadmin server start nfsadmin client start 若要将 NFS 服务器设置为不区分大小写,请键入:复制 nfsadmin server config casesensitive=no 若要将 NFS 客户端设置为区分大小写,请键入:复制 nfsadmin client config casesensitive=yes 若要显示所有当前的 NFS 服务器或 NFS 客户端选项,请键入:复制...
Revoke-NfsMountedClient Revoke-NfsOpenFile Revoke-NfsSharePermission Set-NfsClientConfiguration Set-NfsClientgroup Set-NfsMappedIdentity Set-NfsMappingStore Set-NfsNetgroup Set-NfsNetgroupStore Set-NfsServerConfiguration Set-NfsShare Test-NfsMappedIdentity ...
下载到电脑的数据信息,不必拷到电脑硬盘播放视频,可以同时根据局域网络在播放器上播放视频.win7中给予了nfs client,要应用nfs srever务必在windowsserver系统软件和实生物可以,比如windows 2008中的Services for Network File System (NFS)。 win7 中应用NFS共享 ...
Revokes open files on an NFS server for a client computer. Syntax PowerShell Copy Revoke-NfsOpenFile [-Path] <String[]> [[-StateId] <String[]>] [[-ClientId] <UInt64[]>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<...
When configuring the NFS Server, you specify which remote computer may access your shared devices. These remote computers are either Microsoft Windows computers running Solstice Network Client, or UNIX workstations. Remote computers that have access to shared devices are referred to as NFS Server cl...
windows2008 client for nfs无法启动 windows server 2016 nfs,DFS分布式文件系统在线视频观看地址:https://edu.51cto.com/course/22495.html DFS:分布式文件系统Distributedfilesystem高可用的,冗余的文件共享,DFS-RReplication分布式文件复制,DFS-N:DFSNameSpac
Server for PCNFS –This server is not used by other components of SFUv3, but can be used by other NFS programs that expect to see PCNFSD, including SFUv1. Client for NFS –The Windows NFS client component of SFUv3. Client for NFS allows the machine on which it is installed to acce...
kadmin.local: exit [root@kdcserver ~]# 执行klist -ket /etc/krb5.keytab | grep SPN命令,查看加密算法是否配置成功,如果没有回显记录,则跳到3重新执行。添加成功的示例为: [root@kdcserver ~]# klist -ket /etc/krb5.keytab | grep host/client.krb5.com@KRB5.COM 2 04/02/2022 15:29:20 host/...