51CTO博客已为您找到关于windows 11 没有nfs client的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及windows 11 没有nfs client问答内容。更多windows 11 没有nfs client相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
sudo showmount localhost -e(导出本地/home/aston/rootfs) sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart(重启nfs服务) 1. 2. 3. 4. (5),测试nfs服务器是否成功挂载到了/home/aston/rootfs 终端执行以下命令: sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock localhost:/home/aston/rootfs /opt 【功能:将nfs服务器挂载到...
# cat /etc/exports# 设置 /home/www/share/ 为共享目录,将 root 用户实际映射为 root 用户及用户组/home/www/share/ *(rw,no_root_squash,sync)# 设置 /home/www/nfsnobody/ 为共享目录,并将所有的用户和用户组都映射为 nfsnobody/home/www/nfsnobody/ *(rw,all_squash,sync)# 设置 /home/www/t...
登录KDC服务器,打开命令行工具(例如Windows PowerShell),在KDC上使用Set-ADComputer Computer_Name -KerberosEncryptionType AES128,AES256命令设置客户端的Kerberos认证加密算法。 其中,Computer_Name为客户端加入Kerberos域后,在KDC服务器上显示的计算机名。例如:CLIENT_112_70。 示例: Set-ADComputer CLIENT_112_70 ...
(Optional) Enabling NFSv3 Mount for Windows Clients (Applicable to 6.1.6 and Later) Creating an NFS Share Adding an NFS Share Client Accessing an NFS Share Method 1: Accessing an NFS Share Over TCP Method 2: Accessing an NFS Share Over RDMA (Applicable to 6.1.7 and Later Versions) Using...
# Add sidadm to the haclient group sudo usermod -aG haclient nw1adm [1] 将ASCS 和 ERS SAP 服务添加到 sapservice 文件 将ASCS 服务入口添加到第二个节点,并将 ERS 服务入口复制到第一个节点。 Bash 复制 cat /usr/sap/sapservices | grep ASCS00 | sudo ssh sap-cl2 "...
# Add sidadm to the haclient group.sudo usermod -aG haclient nw1adm [1] 将 ASCS 和 ERS SAP 服务添加到sapservice文件。 将ASCS 服务入口添加到第二个节点,并将 ERS 服务入口复制到第一个节点。 Bash cat /usr/sap/sapservices | grep ASCS00 | sudo ssh sap-cl2"cat >>/usr/sap...
安装nfsclient:get-windowsfeatureNFS-Client,RSAT-NFS-Admin | install-windowsfeaturepowershell卸载nfsclient...:Get-WindowsFeatureNFS-Client,RSAT-NFS-Admin|Remove-WindowsFeaturewin10/win11:获取名称:Get-WindowsOptionalFeature...-Online -FeatureName *NFS*FeatureName : ServicesForNFS-ClientOnlyDisplayName :...
Sambais apopular open-source applicationsuite that works in a client-server architecture. It offers cross-platform compatibility enabling seamless file sharing across Linux, Windows, and macOS operating systems. A file share hosted on a Linux system can be accessed from diverse platforms, thus foster...
To grant access to a single client, use the syntax: /mnt/nfs_share client_IP_1 (re,sync,no_subtree_check) For multiple clients, specify each client on a separate file: /mnt/nfs_share client_IP_1 (re,sync,no_subtree_check)