1、选择开始->程序->Windows Services for Unix->Services for Unix Administration启动Services for UNIX Administration, 2、出现设置窗口后,点击 左边子窗口User Name Mapping,再点击标签栏“Map”,然后点击 show User Maps 3、点击"List Windows Users",然后选中下面出现的“Guest”,点击“List Unix Users",然后...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于windows 10 NFS的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及windows 10 NFS问答内容。更多windows 10 NFS相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Download 3Labtam31Shareware ProNFS is a powerful NFS Client and Server for Microsoft Windows. Hummingbird NFS Maestro Client 14.0 Download 2Opentext6Shareware Hummingbird NFS Maestro is a network file system implementation. Need for Speed Undercover ...
一、windows上搭建NFS服务器 NFS服务器软件:haneWIN 1.1.69 汉化已注册的版本 互联网上有下载,我这里再放一个我上传到CSDN的链接。 https://download.csdn.net/download/z... 查看原文 【Tools】haneWIN NFS Server 1.2.10 注册机(亲测有效) Server for allWindowsplatforms.HaneWinNFSServer 就是一个可以帮助...
>Win10下配置NFS共享并与UNIX用户进行权限分配的问题可参看如下文章: Windows ; Linux NFS 的配置(增加非root访问的权限) https://www.oschina.net/question/17_77 参看如下文章的”映射 UNIX 和 Windows 用户名”章节(P18) https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_download_file/ECMP11374956 ...
sudo nc -zv <storageaccountnamehere>.file.core.windows.net 2049 Cause 5: Storage account deletedIf you're unable to mount the file share due to error: connection timed out, the storage account containing the file share might be deleted accidentally.Solution...
一、在给两台win10开发环境配置访问地址与域名映射 1、找到c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc目录下的host 2、在host文件给分别添加127.0.0.1 hangxin.cms.com(IP为10.204.3.20:8090); hangxin.cms.com(IP为10.204.3.223:8090) 3.保存后分别重启 二、安装NGIN... ...
[1] Create a virtual IP resource and health probe for the ASCS instance. Bash Copy sudo pcs node standby sap-cl2 sudo pcs resource create fs_NW1_ASCS Filesystem device='sapnfs.file.core.windows.net:/sapnfsafs/sapnw1/usrsapNW1ascs' \ directory='/usr/sap/NW1/ASCS00'...
See Windows command line utility for mounting NFS volumes for more detail. For example: Mount -o rsize=256 -o wsize=256 -o mtype=hard \\10.x.x.x\testvol X:* You can also access NFS volumes from Windows clients via SMB by setting the protocol access for the volume to “d...
windows NFS 配置 一、安装SFU 1、下载软件SFU http://download.microsoft.com/download/a/1/c/a1ca7af1-a6e3-46e7-874a-4c5d8c0fb3b7/SFU35SEL_EN.exe 2、编辑用户组group文件 和密码passwd文件 ,并复制到C:\ 例如: passwd内容 root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh...