2、codes subscription service内含美国消防协会全套标准全文英语englishcb-nfcsscd2.nfpa全套标准印刷版(一年)1592019900national fire codes subscription service内含美国消防协会全套标准全文英语englishcb-nfcssp3.c3建筑内消防全套标准或cd830810385comprehensive consensus codes set (c3)nfpa developed c3 in conjunction ...
Code No. 订购 价格Price 现货价格 (RMB) 标准名称Code & Standard Name 语种Language Item No. 1. NFPA全套标准光盘(一年) 11120 13900 National Fire Codes® Subscription Service 内含美国消防协会全套标准全文 英语 English CB-NFCSSCD 2. NFPA全套标准印刷版(一年) 15920 19900 National Fire Codes® Sub...
Fire Codes® Subscription Service, visit the NFPA website at .nfpa, or contact the NFPA at the address listed below. Interpretations of NFPA Documents A statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations Governing Committee Projects shall not be ...
1.NFPA全套标准13900NationalFireCodes@SubscriptionService英语CB-NFCSSCD光盘(一年)11120内含美国消防协会全套标准全文English 2.NFPA全套标准19900NationalFireCodes®SubscriptionService英语CB-NFCSSP印刷版(一年)15920内含美国消防协会全套标准全文English 3.C3建造内消防10385ComprehensiveConsensusCodes@SetC3英语CB-C303全套...
2. 3. 4. NFPA 全套标准 光盘(一年) NFPA 全套标准 印刷版(一年) C3 建造内消防 全套标准或者 CD NFPA 1 03 版 473 页 11120 15920 8308 1032 13900 19900 10385 1290 National Fire Codes® Subscription Service 内含美国消防协会全套标准全文 National Fire Codes® Subscription Service 内含美国消防协会...
In order to determine whether this document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments, consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the National Fire Codes Subscription Service, visit the NFPA website at .nfpa, or contact the NFPA ...
Amendments, consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the National Fire Codes Subscription Service, visit the NFPA website at www.nfpa.org, or contact the NFPA at the address listed above. A statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with Section 5 of the Regulations ...
号 Code No. No. 价格 Price 格 (RMB) 标准名称 Code Standard Name Language NFPA 全套标准光盘(一年) NFPA 全套标准 13900 National Fire Codes? Subscription Service 11120 内含美国消防协会全套标准全文 19900 National Fire Codes? Subscription Service 英语English 英语 CB-NFCSSCD CB-NFCSSP ...
标准名称Code & Standard Name 语种Language Item No. 1. NFPA全套标准光盘(一年) 11120 13900 National Fire Codes® Subscription Service 内含美国消防协会全套标准全文 英语 English CB-NFCSSCD 2. NFPA全套标准印刷版(一年) 15920 19900 National Fire Codes® Subscription Service 内含美国消防协会全套标准全文...