or post if a placarded building or area within a facility cannot be easily seen when approaching the property. Affix subdivision (room) placards next to access points into the room. These placards must be visible when doors into subdivisions are opened or closed. USED OIL GASOLINE...
4Color of numerals 1, 2, 3, 4should be as indicated.HT W W WTTTNote: Style of numeralsshown is optional.0 1 2 3FIGURE 9.1(b) Dimensions of NFPA 704 Placard and Numerals.704–11 IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIALS BY HAZARD RATING SYSTEM2012 EditionCopyright 2013 National Fire Protection ...
NFPA 704 placard ? unsupervised, isolated aboveground tanks must be secured from tampering or trespassing Chapter 21 – General ? tanks in areas subject to floods must have means to secure tank from displacement Tanks after Hurricane Katrina 9 Ch. 22 – Aboveground Tanks ? covers tanks installed ...
Section 2703.7 of the IFC states that stationary containers are to be placarded with hazard identification signs. Signs prohibiting smoking are to be provided in rooms or areas where hazardous materials are stored in open systems in amounts requiring a permit, within 25 ft. of outdoor storage ...