NFPA 20-2019 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Customer ID12242767Copyright 2018 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®). Licensed, by agreement, for individual use and download on 06/10/2018 to BRUCE YOUNG for designated user BRUCE YOUNG. No other reproduction ortransmission in any form ...
NFPA 20-2019 消防固定式泵的安装标准.pdf,本规范为美国消防协会标准,规范内容包括建筑防火设计规范、灭火救援训练、器材相关规范等等,主要是为了减少全球对于火灾或其他相关灾害所带来的损失,倡导防火灭火的共识,提供防火消防相关训练与设备,以及制订安全相关的标准的
< NFPA 20-2019 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
The National Fire Protection Association Standards Council issued the 2019 edition of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, with an effective date of May 24, 2018. Regarding NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, if no one...
The National Fire Protection Association Standards Council issued the 2019 edition of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, with an effective date of May 24, 2018. Regarding NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, if no one...
【年(卷),期】2019(038)003 【总页数】3页(P86-88) 【关键词】NFPA20;消防泵;性能曲线;稳压泵;驱动机;填料密封 【作者】王树乾;邱宏宇;梅欢 【作者单位】中国石油工程建设有限公司;中国石油工程建设有限公司;中国石油工程建设有限公司 【正文语种】中文 伴随着“国家走出去”发展战略和“一带一路”发展规划,...
按照 NFPA20 的规定, 设置柴油水泵的建筑设置应自动喷水灭 火系统进行保护,危险等级为严重危险级Ⅱ级。按照 NFPA13(2019 年版)规定, 其自动喷水灭火系统喷淋强度为 12.2~16.3L/(min·m2),作用面积为 230m2~465m2,火灾持续时间为 90min-120min,结合 GB50084《自动喷水灭火系 统设计规范》(2017 年版)的规定,...
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#冬天男女生被窝温度差异# 一个人轻松套被套,学会了吗[米奇比心][米奇比心] #冬天最不想做什么#
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