A mechanical device that transfers or raises, or transfers and raises, the pressure of a fluid (water).Residential Sprinkler. A type of sprinkler that meets the definition of fast response as 52、defined by NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems , and that has been ...
The 1996 edition included several changes that paralleled amendments in the 1996 edition of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Other changes included a number of clarifications concerning the selection of sprinklers as well as the proper use of sprinklers. The 1999 edition ...
NFPA13D StandardfortheInstallationofSprinklerSystemsinOne- andTwo-FamilyDwellingsandManufacturedHomes 1999Edition Copyright©1999NFPA,AllRightsReserved ThiseditionofNFPA13D,StandardfortheInstallationofSprinklerSystemsinOne-andTwo-Family DwellingsandManufacturedHomes,waspreparedbytheTechnicalCommitteeonResidentialSprinkler...
{经营管理知识}NFPA标准 系列 NFPA13D StandardfortheInstallationofSprinklerSystemsinOne-andTwo-Famil yDwellingsandManufacturedHomes 1999Edition Copyright©1999NFPA,AllRightsReserved ThiseditionofNFPA13D,StandardfortheInstallationofSprinklerSystemsinOne-andTwo-FamilyDwe llingsandManufacturedHomes,waspreparedbytheTec...
设稳压泵Jockey pump sized to one sprinkler flow and at pressure slightly above the sprinkler pump shut off pressure. 1.采用临时高压给水系统的应设高位水箱 2.不设高位水箱的,应设气压供水设备(气体高压罐) 建议标准选用GB。 13 要设喷淋的特殊位置 1.吊顶内要有喷淋层。采用轻危险级4。1L/min.m2@...
设稳压泵Jockey pump sized to one sprinkler flow and at pressure slightly above the sprinkler pump shut off pressure. 1.采用临时高压给水系统的应设高位水箱 2.不设高位水箱的,应设气压供水设备(气体高压罐) 建议标准选用GB。 13 要设喷淋的特殊位置 1.吊顶内要有喷淋层。采用轻危险级 4。1L/min.m2@...
4. 各电梯, 电梯厅及各层的逃生 楼梯前室要有消防专用电话 和消防控制室联络. 1. 应设置喷淋系统。 各防 火分区要有水流指示器。 2. 应设置消火栓系统 (ø65mm 栓口 + 25mm 水喉)。 3.应设置火灾自动报警及 紧急广播系统。 4.消防控制中心设置消防 电话总机,在各机房设置 1.应设置喷淋系统。各防火分...
pressure slightly above the sprinkler pump shut off pressure. 要设1.13 吊顶内要有喷淋层。采 喷淋用轻危险级 4。工程专业 1244TNXXXX 全页之第页百年荟萃 技术指引–设备(消防) 国标的比NFPA 手册名称 200 日期手册编号 TNXXX 发行编号:草 22
sprinklerflowandat 供水设备〔气体高压罐〕 pressure slightly abovethesprinkler pump shut off pressure. 13要设喷淋的特别位置 吊顶内要有喷淋层。承受轻危急级4。1L/min.m2@139m2设计标准。 竖井顶部要有一喷淋头。 楼梯要有一喷淋头在楼梯顶,一喷淋头在楼梯低。 电梯井顶要一下喷喷淋头,低要一侧喷喷淋头...
If the required minimum flow at the most remote sprinkler is known, determined by either the area/density method or the special sprinkler listing, the minimum pressure needed at the most remote sprinkler can easily be found. Since Q C K (P)1/2 , then P C (Q/K )2 NFPA 13 sets a ...