免费咨询 就在卡塔尔世界杯刚刚落幕之际,2023年NFL Sunday Ticket(全美职业橄榄球大联盟“周日门票”)又成为科技巨头眼中的香饽饽。据悉,此前苹果、亚马逊,以及谷歌旗下的YouTube,都参与到了对这一赛事转播权的争夺中。 不过有消息显示,苹果方面在上周退出了关于“周日门票”转播权的谈判。据消息人士透露,苹果之所以...
Fubowill give you CBS, FOX, and NBC for all Sunday games, as well as ESPN for Monday Night Football and the NFL Network as part of its PRO package, which costs $74.99 per month. For an additional $10.99 per month, you can also get NFL RedZone via the service’s Sports Plus add-...
This year, the biggest sporting event of the year is landing in incredible Santa Clara, California. Be there live for Super Bowl LX on Sunday, February 8, 2026 at the incredible Levi's Stadium, and get 100% secure tickets at Ticketmaster. Plus, you can level up your Super Bowl LX trip...
Prices this year start at $73 per month for Sunday Ticket and YouTubeTV or $119.75 per month ($479 per year) for just Sunday Ticket spanning the entirety of out-of-market games this season. What’s this new kickoff rule all about? The NFL is...
【YouTube以每年约20亿美元价格获得NFL Sunday Ticket转播权】财联社12月23日电,YouTube将以平均每年约20亿美元的价格获得NFL Sunday Ticket转播权,这是体育节目持续从传统电视转移到流媒体的最新迹象。这笔交易巩固了Alphabet Inc旗下谷歌子公司YouTube作为在线和电视流媒体领域崛起力量的地位。Sunday Ticket是一个仅供...
NFL Sunday Ticket will be offered as an add-on for YouTube TV, which currently costs $64.99 per month. The exact price of the add-on remains unknown. Neal Mohan, chief product officer at YouTube, speaking of the new deal, said "we'll be able to showcase these NFL games in a way...
自1994 年以来,美国媒体公司 DirecTV 一直拥有周日门票的转播权(Sunday Ticket),但该协议将在下赛季结束后到期。 为了获得这项服务的控制权,各方展开了一场激烈的竞购战。据报道,竞购者包括苹果、亚马逊、谷歌和迪士尼。 苹果公司财力雄厚。它一直在积极寻找体育节目,以推动 Apple TV+ 的发展。该公司已经在播放美国...
NFL Sunday Ticket + NFL RedZone on YouTube: $244 for the season (from $489) The first two options are for YouTube TV Base Plan subscribers, which costs $72.99 per month. These users can also redeem two months of Max (previously HBO Max) for free. If you don’t pay for YouTub...
as the premium NFL sports package has been shown on DirecTV since the early 90s in the United States. With a new age upon us and YouTube carrying the torch of NFL Sunday Ticket, it'll be interesting to see what new kinds of innovations the company can bring to the programming block. ...
苹果可能退出了NFL Sunday Ticket的谈判 据称,苹果退出了NFL Sunday Ticket的谈判,这笔交易本可以免费向Apple TV+订阅者提供NFL比赛。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 亚马逊、迪士尼和谷歌等流媒体巨头争夺NFL Sunday Ticket一直很激烈。然而,现在有消息指出,苹果正在保持距离,这可能是因为没有得到它想要的东西。