Post 路线的命名从goal post 而来,也就是奔着门柱的方向跑。这种路线是一种打击深远区域的进攻路线,通常会常由外接手执行。执行Post route时,接球手首先沿直线向前跑动,然后在一定距离后(10-20码左右)向场地中央做出一个斜45度的变向,朝门柱方向切入。这个路线对接球手的速度和敏捷性提出了较高要求,因为需要快速...
1、美式橄榄球联盟(National Football League),简称:NFL。联盟共有32支球队,分为两大联合会:美国橄榄球联合会(American Football Conference),简称:美联(AFC),国家橄榄球联合会(National Football Conference ),简称:国联(NFC)。每个联合会有16支球队,又分成4个分区:东、南、西、北区,每...
NFL (National Football League):国家足球联盟。美国的主要的职业足球联盟,拥有32支球队。其总部座落于纽约。 NFL Championship:国联冠军赛。从1933年到1965年举行的职业足球冠军赛,从1966年后更名为“超级碗”。 nickel defense:五分防守。在这个防守战术中,球队用第五个防守后卫来代替一个线卫进行防守,加强对传球进...
The official source for NFL news, video highlights, fantasy football, game-day coverage, schedules, stats, scores and more.
The official source for NFL news, video highlights, fantasy football, game-day coverage, schedules, stats, scores and more.
NFL (National Football League): 国家足球联盟。美国的主要的职业足球联盟,拥有32支球队。其总部座落于纽约。 NFL Championship: 国联冠军赛。从1933年到1965年举行的职业足球冠军赛,从1966年后更名为“超级碗”。 nickel defense: 五分防守。在这个防守战术中,球队用第五个防守后卫来代替一个线卫进行防守,加强对...
Gridiron: A football field. End zone: The scoring area at each end of the field. Field goal: To get a field goal, the ball must be kicked through the goal posts in the end zone. A field goal is worth three points. PAT:“Point after touchdown.” The attacking team starts on the 15...
When it comes to identifying the best apps for football betting, there are several key attributes to look for. These include a user design experience that’s straightforward but intuitive—it makes navigating the site easy. Additionally, you’ll want to browse the betting markets. All NFL gambli...
Of course, that’s not how professional football is played today. Throughout the history of the NFL, the custodians of the game not only have protected its integrity, but also have revised its playing rules to make the contests fairer, safer and more entertaining. Time and again, the league...
NFL比赛基本规则说明 比赛双方各上11名队员,一方是进攻组,另一方是防守组。进攻组的目的是尽可能地将球向对方阵地推进,争取越过得分线进入对方端区得分。进攻的方法有两种,球员带球向前跑(冲球)或空中传球(传球)。另一方防守组的目的是尽可能阻止对方进攻,并迫使对方丧失球权。如果进攻一方得分或...