腰旗橄榄球(Flag Football)是一种美式橄榄球的变体,与传统的美式橄榄球不同,防守队员不是将持球者扑倒,而是从持球者身上拔下腰旗来结束一次进攻。2028年奥运会落地在美国洛杉矶,和美式橄榄球一脉相承的腰旗橄榄球,早早成了洛杉矶奥运会的主攻项目之一——作为一项无接触、零装备、小场地的橄榄球比赛形式,腰旗橄榄球对于...
This showcase of the best players in the league, who come together to play in a highly entertaining flag-football game and other “sporting” events is yet another opportunity for NFL fans to bet on their favorite NFL players and teams. Also, betting sites will offer a range of wagers ...