一.背景 笔者之前与队友derkechao参加了Kaggle举办的NFLBig Data Bowl比赛并有幸跻身金牌区,本文旨在对比赛进行回顾总结以及学习其他参赛者的建模经验。 1...NFL(National Football League) 职业橄榄球大联盟(National Football League)简称NFL,居北美四大职业体育运动联盟之首,也是世界上规模最大的职业橄榄球大联盟......
df = pd.DataFrame(all_data, columns=['Week','Date','Team 1','Score 1','Team 2','Score 2'])print(df.to_markdown(index=False)) Prints: There's also the api way: payload = {'seasontype':2,'dates':season,'week':week} jsonData = requests.get(url, params=payload).json()[]df...
Note that if a game's JSON data is not cached to disk, it is retrieved from the NFL web site. A game's JSON data isonlycached to disk once the game is over, so be careful with the number of times you call this while a game is going on. (i.e., don't piss off NFL.com.)...
一、Angel工作室ASP.NET(AngelExam)开源驾校考试系统简介 Angel工作室ASP.NET(AngelExam)驾校考试系统是基于asp.net mvc4.5(C#)+前端bootstrap+jquery+layui等技术,数据存储采用性能可靠稳定的sql server数据库 。 前台页面采用无刷新技术基于mvc web api接口调用逻辑进行...mPaaS...
nflgame does not yet work on Python 3, but it should work with Python 2.6 and 2.7. Updating the player database (e.g., rosters) Since player meta data (like a player's team, position or status) changes throughout the season, the JSON database included with nflgame needs to be updat...
Typically, when the above error (or a similar error) occurs, it simply means that one of the Yahoo Fantasy Sports API calls failed and so no data was retrieved. This can be fixed by simply re-running data query.About Python API wrapper for the Yahoo Fantasy Sports public API (supports ...
However, if you ever wanted to obtain truly in-depth data, then it is likely that you found yourself leveraging the API maintained by NFL.com. Unfortunately, it’s data is surfaced in a JSON format that leaves a lot to be desired (i.e. it’s a nightmare). Lucky for me, I was...
zip !unzip -d work -oq /home/aistudio/data/data109380/PaddleDetection-release-2.2.zip ^C In [ ] !pip install -r work/PaddleDetection-release-2.2/requirements.txt Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /opt/conda/envs/python35...
I am using spark 1.6.3. When converting a column val1 (of datatype string) to date, the code is populating a different month in the result than what's in the source. For example, suppose my source is ... Lottie error:"Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: 'Unable to parse composition'" ...
For those interested in the nitty-gritty, here's what Cockerill's process looked like: He used a combination of ChatGPT and Python code (a programming language) to analyze his budget data from PocketSmith's API and create a 2-minute podcast script. He then used OpenAI's API to convert ...