NFC Tools可以通过简单轻便的用户界面读写NFC芯片. 将NFC读卡器连接到电脑计算机(比如非常受欢迎的ACR122U),即可开始使用NFC标签。 第一个选项页面允许你查看诸如的数据: - 标签的制造商 - 标签类型 - 序列号 - ATR值 - 标签的大小 - 关于它的数据 - 和更多... “写入
访问 NFC Tools可以通过简单轻便的用户界面读写NFC芯片. 将NFC读卡器连接到电脑计算机(比如非常受欢迎的ACR122U),即可开始使用NFC标签。 第一个选项页面允许你查看诸如的数据: - 标签的制造商 - 标签类型 - 序列号 - ATR值 - 标签的大小 - 关于它的数据 - 和更多... “写入”选项页面允许你记录标准化数据,...
NFC Tools是一个应用程序,允许你在你的 NFC 标签和其他 RFID 兼容芯片上读取或写入或编程代码任务。NFC Tools PRO版本包括很多其他的附加功能,比如配置文件管理等。保存你的NFC标签或任务的配置文件,以便你以后重新使用它们。导出和导入很容易。NFC Tools PRO官方版允许你直接从现有的 NFC 标签导入你的记录或任务。
Windows: Make sure you have Visual Studio 2019 with Desktop developement with C++, C++ Clang Compiler for Windows and C++ Clang-cl for v142 build tools installed. Open the solution and start compile. The compiled zip package will be in dist. ...
Supported Targets – Tools for Windows/macOS desktop apps and databases. Additional Add-Ins for Word & Excel, Google Sheets and Chrome. Maximum Privacy and Security – No personal information is stored. Captured data is protected by end-to-end encryption. Android App – The Scan-IT to Office...
If you don't have an iPhone, this chapter is useless for you as its main focus lies on iPhone usage. See also 2.1. To read and write NFC tags with your iPhone we will use the NFC Tools by wakdev. Please make sure that you purchase the Pro Edition (in-app purchase) for 2,29 ...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Tests\<arch>\usb\MuttTools\MuttUtil.dll Where <arch> is either x86, amd64, arm, arm64.PC client (*setup if not using NITT)Create a working folder, and copy NfcManualHelper.exe corresponding to the client architecture from...
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The product's compatibility across models of this series and availability as OEM modules make them particularly valuable development tools. As a multi-platform solution, µFR supports all major OSes and platforms such as Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi, Beagle Board, Arduino,...
Getsmart Very Small 865-868 MHz Gen2 UHF RFID Tag suitable for a wide variety of RFID tagging hand tools applications $0.79 - $1.89 Min. order: 100 pieces 13mm Corrosion resisting Strong waterproof Tiny NFC disc coin Tags $0.69 - $2.00 ...