The NFC TagWriter by NXP Semiconductors, stores Contacts, Bookmarks, Geo location, Bluetooth, Handover, SMS, Mail and many more to any NFC enabled tags as well…
The NFC TagWriter app allows you to write tags enabling you to store contacts, bookmarks, pair with WiFi or Bluetooth, enable hotspots and much more all with just a tap.
About This Video The new NXP® NFC TagWriter App is easy to use and has an endless amount of application possibilities. Learn how easy it is to start creating your own NFC tags. #NFCeverywhere MoreAbout NXP Careers Investors Media Contact Subscribe Privacy Terms of Use Terms of Sale ...
nfc tagwriter by nxp是一款功能强大的安卓软件,由芯片厂商nxp官方推出,旨在为用户提供便捷的nfc标签编写和管理体验。通过这款软件,用户可以轻松地将各种信息,如联系人、书签、地理位置等,存储到支持nfc的标签上,实现信息的快速传输和共享。 软件特色 1. 支持自定义写入标签:用户可以根据需求自由编辑和存储数据,轻松创...
NFC TagWriter by NXP功能可谓十分强大了,支持自定义写入标签,可以自由的复制写入您的卡芯片,将其复制过来,编辑里面的内容,自己创建一个数据集,这样您就可以在手机上复制一个门禁卡,加密的卡也不在话下! tagwriter中文版简介 NXP的NFC TagWriter可以将联系人、书签、地理位置、蓝牙转接、短信、邮件、文本信息等存储到...
The NFC TagWriter by NXP Semiconductors, stores Contacts, Bookmarks, Geo location, Bluetooth, Handover, SMS, Mail and many more to any NFC enabled tags as well…
NFC TagWriter by NXP截图 ʯ ʒ 应用介绍 The NXP TagWriter application stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth Handover, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tags as well as to items like poster, business cards, watches and many more containing NFC-enabled...
1. NFC TagWriter by NXP 恩智浦TagWriter可以实现存储联系人,书签,地理位置,蓝牙切换,短信,邮件,短信和更多的任何NFC启用标签,以及海报,名片,手表等包含NFC的电子产品。数据写入NFC标签以后,应用程序还允许读取和查看编辑数据,包括基于所包含的数据自动启动应用的选项。
NFC TagWriter by NXP是一款强大的NFC标签编写和管理工具,它的多标准兼容性、高度定制性、安全性、批量处理能力以及测试与验证功能,使其成为NFC项目的理想选择。借助该软件,你可以更好地利用NFC标签,并在各种应用场景中实现更多功能。 () NFC TagWriter 功能介绍: ...
The NXP TagWriter application stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth Handover, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tags as well as to items like poster, business cards, watches and many more containing NFC-enabled electronics. Once data has been stored the ...