passportartificial passportusa passport7 Byte Uid 13.56mhz Blank White Smart MIFARE(R) Classic 1k(R) Pvc Rfid Card Cashless Payment MIFARE(R) DESfire(R) Ev2 4k CardTap to Review NFC Cards 504Bytes NFC215 Chip Google Reviews Card Pop up Google Reivew card860-960MHZ Customized rfid white ...
High Quality Slim Size e-Passport MRZ OCR Scanner Passport Reader 2D Barcode Scanner with Chip and NFC reader (PPR100 Plus) GeneralPPR100 Plus is a half-page machine-readable zone (MRZ) data reader with RFID functional...
Confirmed: iOS 13 to include support for NFC passport reading By Sarah Clark • 7 June 2019 Apple’s update to its Core NFC framework for iOS 13 will include support for reading passports and ID documents, chip checker app maker Innovalor has confirmed to NFC World... MoreNFC...
ByTom Phillips•29 August 2023 Citizens of Finland travelling on Finnair flights to and from London, Manchester and Edinburgh in the UK can now verify their identity at border control in Helsinki Airport using a digital passport stored on their Apple or Android smartphone...More...
EMVCo has launched a biometric payment card initiative with the aim of producing a performance requirements document and associated approval and evaluation frameworks that will “enable biometric payment cards to deliver both seamless and secure payment experiences”.More ...
The NFC Forum has announced that it is in the process of developing a Digital Product Passport (DPP) standard that would allow electronic goods manufacturers to use NFC tags and chips to provide merchants and consumers with “reliable and robust access to information on how a product can be re...
NXP launches NFC digital car key solution ByMike Clark•10 March 2020 PARTNER NEWS:NXP has announced the availability of an automotive digital key solution that enables smartphones, key fobs and other mobile devices to “securely communicate, store, authenticate and share digital keys with vehicles...