Site-directed mutagenesis, reporter plasmid transfection studies and electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that inducible transcription factors enhanced the transcriptional activity of the Mn-SOD gene through the TNFRE. The cooperation between proteins binding to the newly identified NF-κB and ...
Transfection studies using the IκBα promoter linked to the CAT reporter gene suggests that this effect occurs at the transcriptional level. NO had no effect on the expression of NF-κB subunits, p65 and p50. Previous analyses of the IκBα promoter have revealed multiple functional κB sites...
(B) NLK+/+ and NLK−/− HCT116 cells were transfected with NF-κB reporter plasmid (50 ng) and the indicated plasmids. 24 h after transfection, the cells were lysed before luciferase experiments were performed. (C) NLK interaction with IKKα, IKKβ, IKKγ. The HEK293 cells were ...
The transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB was measured using luciferase reporter gene assays in EA.hy.926 endothelial cells transiently transfected with the plasmid pB2xLuc. To correlate transcriptional activity to TGF-beta1 expression, NF-kappaB decoy oligonucleotides were used to inhibit NF-kappaB ... OPEN Transcription factor NF-kappa B represses ANT1 transcription and leads to mitochondrial dysfunctions received: 11 October 2016 accepted: 13 February 2017 Published: 20 March 2017 Chen Zhang1, Hui Jiang2, Pin Wang3, Heng Liu3 & Xiulian Sun4 ...
Genetically modified U4C cells were transfected with NF-kB reporter plasmid in order to follow its activation when cells were cotransfected with different combinations of Smads constructs.Slade, N.Zoric, A.Horvat, B.Vuksic, M.Kostovic, I.Poljak, L....
Briefly, a reporter plasmid expressing luciferase through a minimal promoter linked to three copies of the consensus NF- B-responsive element was used to measure activation of NF- B. For the positiv...Azran I, Jeang KT, Aboud M. High levels of cytoplasmic HTLV-1 Tax mutant proteins retain...
The luciferase reporter assay proved that cells transfected with the ECM1 plasmid containing EP881T-EP266C (M1-M0) presented higher luciferase activity than those transfected with the wild-type (WT) or EP881C-EP266C luciferase vectors (M1-M3), whereas mutation (TTT substitution) in either EP...
plasmid Figure 3.miR-200c increases cisplatin sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells. (A) Transcript levels ofmiR-200b/cin A2780S and A2780CP cells were determined via qPCR. Ovarian cancer cells were treated with different concentrations of cisplatin after transfection of A2780CP cells with miR-...
Moreover, wild-type p53 protein transactivated a reporter plasmid containing a luciferase gene driven by a minimal promoter harboring this p53 binding site. Finally, as the p53 promoter contains an NF-kappaB binding site, we demonstrated an additive effect when NF-kappaB subunits and p53 protein ...