Needle burner testNF T51-076:塑料.立式软薄样品与小火焰源接触的燃烧性能测试NF T51-076:Plastics. Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible verticalspecimens i 26、n contact with a small-flame ignition sourceNF T56-125:软质泡沫聚合材料.样品对小火焰水平方向燃烧特征的实验评估NF T56-125:...
NF T51-731 塑料.乙烯增塑成分.低电压穿透阻力的测定 (Plastics. Plasticized vinyl compounds. Determination of the volume resistivity at low voltage.) UTE C33-223U 动力系统用绝缘电缆及其附件.配电网用额定电压为12/20(24)KV的交联聚乙烯电缆 (Insulated cables and their accessories for power systems -...
NF T51-072:Plastics. Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source NF T51-073:塑料.防火性能.烟密度测试法 NF T51-073:Plastics. Reaction to fire. Test method to measure the density of smoke. ...
Active Delay l o aT46 = Input Signals Stable to SLP# Active Requirement i dT47 = SLP# active to clock shut off delay o t eT48 = Deep Sleep PLL lock latency n n rT49 = SLP# Hold Time h e iT50 = STPCLK# Hold Time T51 = Input Signal Hold Time T e c nfid e quTable 4-18...
NF T51-731-1980 塑料.乙烯增塑成分.低电压穿透阻力的测定 (Plastics. Plasticized vinyl compounds. Determination of the volume resistivity at low voltage.) UTE C33-223U-1999 动力系统用绝缘电缆及其附件.配电网用额定电压为12/20(24)KV的交联聚乙烯电缆 (Insulated cables and their accessories for power...
NF T51-006-1957 塑料.可溶于甲醇的聚苯乙烯物质的测定 (PLASTICS. DETERMINATION OF METHANOL-SOLUBLE POLYSTYRENE.) NF T51-008-1998 塑料.酚-甲醛模塑.游离氨的检验 (Plastics. Phenol-formaldehyde mouldings. Detection of free ammonia.) NF T51-009-1998 塑料.酚-甲醛模塑.游离氨和铵化合物的测定.比色...
(dparteasent studnyowt sehofowunn).dCtuhractuamltihno, alaNctFo-nκeBiinnhhiibbiittoerd, wp6a5s-uasneddaTsNpFos-αiti-veenchoanntcreodl inNtFh-iκsBstutrdayn.scriptional activity innotDs2SUh.T51oA.4wAT5l3ntch)Pe.ohllClaoscsutp(orFhncoiuegrymIunlarhiteniibo,4inatBeid,NnCCDF).o-...