The vertebrate transcription factor NF-κB is induced by over 150 different stimuli. Active NF-κB, in turn, participates in the control of transcription of over 150 target genes. Because a large variety of bacteria and viruses activate NF-κB and becaus
To assess whether LIFR expression is associated with drug response, we used the Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP), which enables analysis of the correlations between gene expression and the response to 481 compounds across cancer cell lines39. The liver cancer cell line data from the CTRP...
However, alterations of NFKBIA have not been examined in relation to expression subtype and the mRNA expression of NFKBIA is actually elevated in MES tumors (GlioVis data portal for visualization and analysis of brain tumor expression datasets) [94]. While loss of tumor suppressors in neoplastic ...
PlantCARE, a Database of Plant Cis-Acting Regulatory Elements and a Portal to Tools for in Silico Analysis of Promoter Sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30, 325–327. [CrossRef] 18. Katoh, K.; Standley, D.M. MAFFT Multiple Sequence Alignment Software Version 7: Improvements in ...
刘青松讲席教授,1972年8月生于河北省涿州市,1989-1996年就读于中国地质大学(武汉)应用地球物理系获学士、硕士学位,1996-1999年在中国科学院地球物理研究所获理学博士学位,1999-2004年度在美国明尼苏达大学地质与地球物理系获得博士学位,2004-2005年度在美国加州大学Santa-Cruz分校地球与行星科学系作博士后研究。2005 年...
(10 mg/kg/day) showing portal fibrosis (arrows) with bile duct proliferation (asterisks), mild lobular inflammation (arrowheads) (grade 2), (D) Diacerein-treated group (30 mg/kg/day) showing portal fibrosis (arrow) and mild lobular and portal inflammation (arrowheads) with occasional ...
dCoolollbauglei.n fibers were distributed sporadically surrounding the portal area withoutTfaobrlme 3a.tiTohneopfapthsoeluogdiocalol bscuolrie. of TAA-induced liver fibrosis in mice. GroTuapble 3. The pathoSleovgeicriatlysScocroereofoTfALiAv-eirndFiubcreodsilsivaer fibrosis in mAviceer.age b...