ISSN 0335-3931 ISSN 0335-3931 法国标准 XP P 18-540 法国标准 XP P 18-540 1997 年 10 月 1997 年 10 月 分类索引:P18-540 分类索引:P18-540 ICS:91.100.20 骨 料 定义,合格性,规格 E英语:骨料 — 定义 — 合格性-规格 D德语:骨料 — 定义 — 合格性-规格 试验标准 1997年10月由法国标准化...
436 AFNOR NF EN 3155-043-2006 2006-09-01 French Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 043 : contacts, electrical, triaxial, size 08, female 043, type D, solder, class P - Product standard 437 AFNOR NF EN 1425/A1-2006 2006-09-01 French Bitumen an...
185 AFNOR NF EN 2085-2005 2005-06-01 French Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A- T6 - Hand and die forgings - a < or = 150 mm 186 AFNOR NF EN 2086-2005 2005-06-01 French Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T851 - hand and die forgings - a< or = 150 mm ...
76 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15354-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Extruded and/or calandered, non-reinforced film and sheeting made of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) - Guidance for characterisation and designation 77 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15350-2006 2006-08-01 French Mechanical vibration - Gu...
40 AFNOR XP P94-424-2003 2003-03-01 French Rock - Direct shear testing of rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing 41 AFNOR XP X43-361-2003 2003-03-01 French Air quality - Stationary source emissions - Measurements for velocity and volume flowrate of gas streams in ducts...
compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 31 : specific conditions for equipment in the 9 to 315 kHz band for Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and related peripheral devices (ULP-AMI-P) ...
P-HA-RPS-PEP11013 BPB-BB250VAC25A PEP-BB DY2000 PEP-BB220VAC25A CC-EI/I-1-2 CC-EI/I CC-EI/I-1 ADAm-4520 TSXWUP1051 P-HC-BRC-300 INNIS21/INNPM12 NFTP01 IMMU02 RMHSS03 DH250 6638514AE型SEMAPT NKMR02-15 AHA2940 AHA2940 MMU21 6644424A1 XCH-PW1220Vac-16aIMMFP02 百利INNIS...
107 AFNOR NF EN 14469-1-2004 2004-07-01 French Pigments and extenders - Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) - Part 1 : composition and preparation of basic mixtures 108 AFNOR NF EN 14469-2-2004 2004-07-01 French Pigments and extenders - Testing of colo...
IκB pro- teins and the binding of NF-κB to heterologous transcription factors, they represent an important means of shaping NF-κB-dependent gene programs and are thought to be critical for the integration of non-NF-κB pathways and context-specific tailoring of the transcrip- tional res...
407 AFNOR NF EN 4002-2008 2008-03-01 French Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T81 - Sheet and strip 0,5 mm < or = a < or = 6 mm 408 AFNOR NF EN 60404-13-2008 2008-03-01 French Magnetic materials - Part 13 : methods of measurement of density, resistivity and stacking...