NF C93-400-5-2 电子设备连接器.试验和测量.第5-2部分:载流量试验.试验5b:电流-温度下降 (Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 5-2 : current-carrying capacity tests - Test 5b : current-temperature derating.) NF F42-123-7-2 铁路设施.固定设备.直流开关装置.直流...
Section 5 : surge immunity test.) NF C91-004-5/A1 电磁兼容性.第4-5部分:试验和测量技术.过电压抗扰性试验 (Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5 : testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test.) NF C93-400-10-4 电子设备用机电元件.基本试验过程和测量方法.第10部分:...
标准号:NF C93-401-Ⅲ-1986 中文标准名称:电子元件节距2,54 mm的电子硬件用多触点连接器(CTE)(HE 13型)HE 1301和HE 1302型 英文标准名称:Electronic Components Multicontact connectors for electronic hardware (CTE) with pitch 2,54 mm (Type HE 13) Styles HE 1301 and HE 1302 ...
法国密封标准NFsealsstandards汇总 法国密封标准(NF seals standards)汇总
281 AFNOR NF EN 60154-1-2003 2003-01-01 French Flanges for waveguides - Part 1 : general requirements - Modified by NF EN 60154-1/A1:200301 (C93-594-1/A1) 282 AFNOR NF EN 60154-1/A1-2003 2003-01-01 French Flanges for waveguides - Part 1 : general requirements 283 AFNOR NF EN...
NF C93-643-400-2003绝缘软管.第3部分:各种型号软管的规范要求.第400至402篇:带有机硅橡胶涂层的玻璃纤维织物软管(Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3 : specification requirements for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 400 to 402 : glass textile sleeving with silicone elastomer coating.) ...
C935P31-ARF A20B-0007-0360 A20B-0007-0361 E4809-045-110-C A06B-6059-H215 A20B-2000-0220 A20B-1003-0010 A203-1003-0010(A06B-6059-H208) A20-0008-0240(A06B-6059-H208) A16B-1100-0200(A06B-6059-H003) A06B-6059-H208 A20B-2002-0650 A16B-2200-0360 A16B-2200-0390 A16B-2200-0391 A...
C93198 Sick CLV412-0910S04 High Density Bar Code Barcode Scanner SICK CLV212A1010 BAR CODE SCANNER & PS51-1100 POWER SUPPLY SICK S30A-4011BA 1028934 SAFETY LASER SCANNER AREA SENSOR NIB SICK CLV490-1010 Laser Barcode Scanner Sick S30A-7011CA Photoelectric Laser Scanner ! WOW !
USF8210C93N,JKB8342G1MB,833-354-223006,JKP8342G001MS,WPTISB307A406,8316G24MO,NF-G551A401-MS-M,WBIS8223A310,WBIS8262A386,WBIS8316A381V,WBIS8316A384V, 8290AD34,8262G13,8263G206V,2636044,EF8308741F,EF8308B40,EV8327G52,NFM1211,EV8551G455,EF8344G70,JBEFX8344G72MF, NFG-551B401...
NF C93-643-300 绝缘软管.第3部分:各种型号软管规范.第300篇:无涂层的玻璃纤维编织软管 (Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3 : specification requirements for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 300 : glass textile fibre sleeving, braided, uncoated.) NF C93-643-400 绝缘软管.第3部分:各种型号软管...