67 AFNOR UTE C15-400-2005 2005-07-01 French Low-voltage electrical installations - Connection of electric generators in installations supplied by a public distribution network - Modified by UTE C15-400 F1:201112 (C15-400UF1) 68 AFNOR NF ISO 21247-2005 2005-07-01 French Combined accept-zero s...
200 AFNOR NF C15-100 F14-2010 2010-04-01 French Fiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 15-100 F14 de la norme NF C15-100 de d茅cembre 2002 201 AFNOR NF EN ISO 15752-2010 2010-04-01 French Ophthalmic instruments - Endoilluminators - Fundamental requirements and test methods for optical radiation ...
348 AFNOR NF EN 4401-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification : 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 掳C 349 AFNOR NF EN 4402-2006 2...
238 AFNOR NF C15-100 F11-2009 2009-03-01 French Fiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 15-100 F11 de la norme NF C15-100 de d茅cembre 2002 239 AFNOR NF EN ISO 7590-2009 2009-03-01 French Steel cord conveyor belts - Methods for the determination of total thickness and cover thickness 240 AFNOR...
451 AFNOR UTE C15-100 CCA4-2002 2002-12-01 French Installations électriques à basse tension :cahier comparatif éditions 1991/2002 452 AFNOR XP T57-950-2-2002 2002-12-01 French Sandwich panels for commercial vehicles bodies and fixed installation applications - Guidance for general delivery spe...
NF-01-N Datasheet, PDF Search Partnumber : Start with "NF-" - Total : 49 ( 1/3 Page)Manufacturer Part # Datasheet Description Infinite Electronics In... NF-14-9 59Kb/1P LPN-F / CRIMP LMR400 5.8 GHz 08/16/2013 Hirose Electric NF-A-JJ 378Kb/5P C15 Type Accessories NF-A-...
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482 AFNOR UTE C15-900-2006 2006-03-01 French Coexistence between communication and power networks - Implementation of communication networks 483 AFNOR NF EN ISO 13000-2-2006 2006-03-01 French Plastics - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products - Part 2 : preparation of test specimens...