NF A36-630-2 一般工程用可拆模钢锻件.第2部分: 非合金优质钢和特殊钢 (Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 2 : non-alloy quality and special steels.) NF A36-630-3 一般工程用可拆模钢锻件.第3部分:特殊合金钢 (Open die steel forging for general engineering purpose...
344 AFNOR NF A36-800-1-2006 2006-09-01 French Hot-rolled weldable steel sheets for amouring - Part 1 : technical delivery conditions 345 AFNOR NF D13-101-2006 2006-09-01 French Sanitary appliances - Vitreous enamelled sinks 346 AFNOR NF EN 60204-1-2006 2006-09-01 French Safety of mac...
英文标准名称:Flatproductsmadeofsteelsforpressurepurposes-Part7:stainlesssteels. 中国标准分类号:H46 国际标准分类号:77.140.20 77.140.30 77.140.50 部分代替标准:NFA36-209-1990(A36-209) 相关标准 《GB/T 11904-1989》水质 钾和钠的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 11904-1989 《GB 7494-1987》水质 阴...
209 AFNOR NF EN 12502-5-2005 2005-06-01 French Protection of metallic materials against corrosion - Guidance on the assessment of corrosion likelihood in water distribution and storage systems - Part 5 : influencing factors for cast iron, unalloyed and low alloyed steels 210 AFNOR NF EN ISO 15...
NF A36-211 焊接气体气缸用薄钢板和条带 (Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinders.) NF A51-120 铜和铜合金.无缝的.应用于环境卫生和加热的水和气体的圆形铜管( 欧洲标准EN1057) (Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications...
427 AFNOR GA A36-335-2010 2010-08-01 French Application guidelines of the standards P 34-310 and NF EN 10346 428 AFNOR NF E63-123-2010 2010-08-01 French Press tooling - Guide bushing - Shouldered clamping and shouldered threaded bushes ...
(PE) 美国 Lenzkes Spanntechnik GmbH Lenzkes Clamping tool MQ106long size24,M24a36 106-115-2436 ITT Goulds Pumps MODEL 3196 6x8-15 XLTi 316SS ITT Goulds Pumps 151-00 CO2 Garrett Gas Train with Case ITT Goulds Pumps 172-00-01-C OFITE 4 and 5-Roller Oven GMC-I 高美 M504G MAVO-MONITOR...
362 AFNOR NF A36-713-2004 2004-09-01 French Unpackaged steels - Flat steel products intended for contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Steel with organic coating 363 AFNOR NF E23-038-2004 2004-09-01 French Gears - Specification for the inspection at...
(分类索引A36-225) EN ISO377: NF EN ISO377(分类索引A36-225)在《标准化引用》一文中提到了但在法国标准中找不到对应标准的标准如下(可从AFNOR处获得): ISO 14284:1996 与以前法国名称的对应:下表指示性地明确了以前各类法国标准定义的钢种和合金钢种与NF EN 10269标准所定义的钢种的比较,以帮助使用者在...
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