Nexus Mods App The newest release of our new App launched last week, and with it comes our regular caution. To update it, you will need to completely uninstall the old version, including all mods. It is still in very early stages... ...
A patch file that changes your Dark Souls 3 .exe from version 1.15.2 to 1.15.0, making it compatible with various mods. Utilities By iwtexplode 49.8MB 4 363 Oblivion and Oathkeeper Dual-Keyblades - Kingdom Hearts Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblade Weapon Skins for Gotthard Twinswords or Sellsw...
More hot mods Modern Dark Souls 2 Experience (SOTFS) A QoL Overhaul mod that aims at giving a new life to Dark Souls 2 by changing some of the most annoying features of the game, such as the animations, the durability, the adaptability and much much more!
原帖地址: mod使用教程:
来源: 解压到游戏文件夹并启动DSR-Filter-Customizer....
但是如今,在世界顶级MOD站点Nexus Mods(以下简称N网)里,至少到明年为止,有关政治的MOD就不被允许上传了。N网在今天早些时候宣布了这一决定,对涉及美国政治类的MOD进行了封杀。 N网站长“Dark0ne”Robin Scott写道:“考虑到这类MOD的品质普遍较低,观点也较为偏激,而且我们的用户里面有一个数量很小但又不容忽视的... 右上角点not logged in,,然后create an accounrt。右侧有一个绿色的register。剩下的跟其他网站注册一样。 顺便一些成人内容必须注册后才能看到,你们懂的。请不要插楼,二楼给出mod管理器用法。 分享467 上古卷轴吧 毅之狂舞 哪位大佬会用nexus mod manager,弄了好几天也没弄明白,...
For further info check of official dev post on the Nexus forums: For coding conventions currently used by the NMM developers check here: ...
该mod提供了很多新东西以及新打法,来开启一段新的传火之旅吧! 原作者Draagis 网址 +2 66340 光影_s吧 光影_S 【光影】各种美味可口 丰富多彩的mod 推荐 不定时更新 分享301 恩达瑞尔吧 fredxjw MOD 推荐 SE版翻遍了帖子 没发现有重制版的MOD推荐,我...
install and manage their mods, Nexus Mod Manager is a highly useful companion app that can help download, manage, install and uninstall mods for over 60 of the most popular games on Nexus Mod website, including hits such as Dark Souls, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Witcher 3...