Official documentation from Sonatype on how to proxy Helm: link Setup Proxy Helm repository https://oxyno-zeta.github.io/helm-charts-v2/ https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm/ https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami https://aws.github.io/eks-charts https://charts.crossplane.io/stable https://...
>node-sass@4.14.1install/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/enn-boiler-tools/enn-boiler-tools-test-enn-gft-web/node_modules/node-sass>node scripts/install.jsDownloadingbinaryfromhttps://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/download/v4.14.1/linux-x64-64_binding.nodeCannotdownload"https://github.com/sass...
RunInvoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/master/bootstrap.ps1" -OutFile bootstrap.ps1to fetch the bootstrap script By default, this script will build Vortex inC:\build\vortex. If you wish for it to be located somewhere else, edit the script to change the ...
http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/2015/02/23/migrating-from-artifactory-archiva-or-a-raw-maven-repository-to-sonatype-nexus/ 2.安装Nexus,并初次启动Nexus 这里我们下载开源版 Nexus OSS。Nexus 提供两种安装包,一种是包含 Jetty 容器的 bundle 包,另一种是不包含容器的 war 包。下载地址: ...
Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS and yum repository types: see defaults/main.yml for these options: Хранилища Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS и yum поумолчаниювыключены:Смотрите defaults/main.ymlдля...
#!puppet nexus3_repository { 'new-repository': type => 'hosted', #valid values: 'hosted', 'proxy' provider_type => 'maven2', #valid values: 'apt', 'bower', 'docker', 'gitlfs' (hosted), 'helm', 'maven2', 'npm', 'nuget', 'pypi', 'raw', 'rubygems', 'yum' online =>...
Create a raw hosted repository (raw-hosted) and a raw group repository (raw-public) on the nexus and set read permissions. Refer to the npm source download address to create a newnode-sass/v4.14.1/directory and upload the binary file. Full path (http://ip:port/repository/raw-public/nod...
Create a patch file as below, replacing with local DB values and patch the deployment to stop nexus from starting $ cat patch-file.yaml spec: template: spec: containers: -name:nexus-repository-manager command: ["/bin/bash"] args: ["-c","while true; d...