Could not stop daemon. Restarting nexus [nexus@mcw15 bin]$ 然后访问,可以正常进入了http:// 这里还没登陆 [nexus@mcw15 bin]$ cat /opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/admin.password 8c8d16fc-3eba-41e5-b57d-dcb2fa277555[nexus@mcw15 bin]$ 登录之后让修改密码 修改密码为123456,开启匿名...
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project user-service: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact from/to maven-releases (
(如果填127.0.0.1或localhost可能无法从外面访问.../bin/ -daemon config/ jps看下启动成功没 如果没有kafka进程,说明启动失败了,具体原因可以在...kafka启动参数 export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx256M -Xms128M" 再次启动,如果还提示内存不足 清下机器缓存 sync echo 3 ...
A - (hyphen) usually means a daemon not running on any particular TTY. Process = name of the process. Process states are as follows: D = uninterruptible sleep (usually I/O). R = runnable (on run queue). S ...
Ubuntu16.4:Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket 在输入命令的过程中一直报错: Gotpermissiondeniedwhile trying to connect to theDockerdaemon socket at unix... unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect:permissiondenied原因是我登陆的ubutun账号不是root,所以执行命令启动某个东...
ExecStop=/etc/init.d/nexus stop Restart=on-abort [Install] 将其加入到开机中: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable nexus.service sudo systemctl start nexus.service 启动失败:原因是启动脚本有点问题 [root@localhost bin]# systemctl status nexus● nexus.ser...
The armor, especially plate often feels too weak. A real medieval knight clad in full plate armor would have been nearly impervious to attacks and this isn't true in the game so this mod tries to fix
2020 Jun 9 16:36:33 AC1-N128 %$ VDC-1 %$ %DAEMON-2-SYSTEM_MSG: <<%XMLMA-2-XMLMACRIT>> XML master agent: Done with sysmgr handshake. - xmlma[4420] 2020 Jun 9 16:37:40 AC1-N128 %$ VDC-1 %$ %PORT-2-IF_DOWN_ERROR_DISABLED: %$VSAN 1%$ Interface...
Non-stackable This device is not stackable – do not place units on top of each other, otherwise damage could occur. BACK PANEL The figure below shows the back panel of the device. Power ON Press the power button to the OFF position (OUT). Connect the power adapter to the power port....
Immersive Armors seeks to drastically enhance the variety of armors in the world of Skyrim in a lore friendly way. The goal of every set is to blend into the lore, balance, and feel of the game for th