So the session may expire sooner than you would expect (you can use withMiddlewareAuthRequired to mitigate this). If you refresh the access token, the new access token will not be persisted in the session. So subsequent attempts to get an access token will always result in refreshing the ...
On the server, the updateSession() helper can be used in Server Routes, Server Actions, and middleware to update the session of the currently authenticated user, like so: import { NextResponse } from "next/server" import { auth0 } from "@/lib/auth0" export async function GET() { cons...
4. Add the authentication middleware Create amiddleware.tsfile in the root of your project's directory: importtype{NextRequest}from"next/server"import{auth0}from"./lib/auth0"exportasyncfunctionmiddleware(request:NextRequest){returnawaitauth0.middleware(request)}exportconstconfig={matcher:[/** Match...
Middlewares, which run before the Next.js server-side rendering, provide building blocks to your application like: Authentication Sessions Enforcing authentication and authorization Rate limiting All the building blocks and tools that you can use today with Express.js are available to you in this ...
The Auth0 team released a new major version of the Auth0 NextJS SDK which incorporates much of the received feedback from our v1, including support for NextJS middleware, changes in the API, first-class testing support, optimizations on the Front End package, and lots more. This article ...
export default authMiddleware({ customRedirect: async (session, request) => { const baseURL = request.nextUrl.origin; if (request.nextUrl.pathname === "/dashboard" && !session) { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL("/sign-in", baseURL)); } return; }, }); expor...
Update: After some testing, it seems like we're able to use the export const GET = auth0Client.middleware; in a route handler, as long as the routes match, e.g. /src/app/auth/[auth0]/route.ts. It doesn't feel right, but it's good enough for now. 👍 3 portal7 commented ...
json({}); }); The /401 handler has been removed: As of Next.js v13.1, you can now return responses from middleware. As such, the unauthorized handler has been removed in favor of an unauthorized response. If you need to migrate your application from the Auth0 Next.js SDK ...
If API requests (using access or id tokens) fail to authenticate, force a logout (Id prefer middleware for this, but I think outside the scope of this question). If that is not correct, can you recommend any other methods? It's odd because I see a lot of advice on these threads ...
middleware.js next.config.js package-lock.json package.json Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license Next.js/JavaScript: Basic User Authentication Code Sample This JavaScript code sample demonstrates how to implement user authentication in Next.js web applications using Auth0. This ...