1.服务器端 1.客户端 1.完整堆栈 对于您的情况,因为它是page/index.js(客户端),我建议使用第二...
“ Next.js 通过提供所有生产环境需要的功能来给你最佳的开发体验:构建时预渲染,服务端渲染,TypeScript 支持,智能打包,路由预加载,零配置等等 ”
conditional-breakpoints-in-chrome-devtools conference-talk-proposals configurable-function-pattern configure-prettier-in-vscode configuring-angular-3rd-party-module connecting-crash-reporting-with-end-to-end-tests control-nextjs-data-during-tests controller-prototype counting-predicates counting-promises-vs-rx ...
I also recommend you get thePrettier VS Code extensionso that VS Code can handle the formatting of the files for you and you don't need to rely on the command line tool. Having it installed and configured in your project means that VSCode will use your project's settings, so it's stil...
.vscode/ no changes added to commit (use"git add"and/or"git commit -a") 这告诉我们我们在 main 分支上,我们还没有暂存或做出任何提交 让我们提交目前的变更 git add . git commit -am"feat: project init" 第一个命令将在项目目录中添加并暂存所有在.gitignore中未被忽略的文件。 第二个将使用我们...
Inside of your.vscodedirectory create alaunch.jsonfile: launch.json {"version":"0.1.0","configurations": [ {"name":"Next.js: debug server-side","type":"node-terminal","request":"launch","command":"npm run dev"}, {"name":"Next.js: debug client-side","type":"pwa-chrome","reques...
Inside of your .vscode directory create a launch.json file: launch.json { "version": "0.1.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Next.js: debug server-side", "type": "node-terminal", "request": "launch", "command": "npm run dev" }, { "name": "Next.js: debug client-side", ...