TailAdmin is a free and open-source admin dashboard template built on Next.js and Tailwind CSS providing developers with everything they need to create a feature-rich and data-driven: back-end, dashboard, or admin panel solution for any sort of web project. With TailAdmin Next.js, you ...
Tailwind CSS Bootstrap Angular React Vuejs React Native Svelte Material UI Vuetify Flutter Vue Material Reactstrap React Bootstrap Vue Bootstrap Back-end Laravel Django Flask Next Nuxt Nodejs Aspnet Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboards Free Products ...
TailAdmin is a Next.js and Tailwind CSS free, open-source admin dashboard template. Provides developers with the necessary tools, components, pages to build a full-featured back-end, dashboard, or admin panel for any web project. - free-nextjs-admin-dash
Get started with a premium admin dashboard layout built with React, Tailwind CSS and Flowbite featuring 21 example pages including charts, kanban board, mailing system, and more.
Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboards UI Kits Free Themes Premium Themes Material UI Reactstrap Next.js Chakra UI More React Bootstrap Shopify Registered Users 2,641,399 Created Projects 8,600,000+ Monthly NPM Installs 280,000+ Github Cumulative Stars ...
Imagine having a solid foundation for your project, with all the components, styles and functionalities you need ready to go. That’s what our Next.js template brings to the table for you. Say goodbye to the tedious process of setting up configurations and boilerplate code. With our next j...
Windmill Dashboard Next.js Typescript See theOriginal Project by @estevanmaito NextJS TailwindCSS 3 and Typescript This is not a template. This is a complete application, built on top of React, with all tiny details taken care of so you just need to bring the data to feed it. ...
Next JS Theme - Material Dashboard. ✨Next JS Notus FreeTailwind CSSand NextJS UI Kit and Admin - Notus NextJS is built with over frontend 100 individual components, giving you the freedom to choose and combine. All components can take variations in colors that you can easily modify usin...
🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 15 with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Drizzle ORM + Husky + Lint-Staged + Vit
Tailwind CSS 3 Landing Page and Dashboard styled with Tailwind CSS. TypeScript Type Checking to catch bugs, write high-quality code and improve DX. VSCode Provide VSCode config: Extensions, Settings, Tasks and Debugging. Email Service Send emails with AWS SES, SendGrid, Postmark, Mandrill, Mail...