It will redirect users to this page when authentication is required. Now, you need to make the page. Create a signin/page.tsx file in the app directory and add the code snippet below: 'use client' import { signIn } from 'next-auth/react' import { Button } from '@/components/ui/...
@arnasofc a temporary workaound would be calling router.refresh in a client component 👍 1 👎 1 timneutkens added the linear: next label May 9, 2023 timneutkens changed the title Client-side cache is not revalidated one calling revalidatePath + redirect in server action [NEXT-1128] ...
3...Authorization Code Grant 如果用户确认授权,授权服务器将重定向User-agent至之前客户端提供的指向客户端的redirect_uri地址,并附带code和state参数(由之前客户端提供...当然 OAuth 2 也仍然只是鉴权体系中的授权理论,更基础的认证(Authentication)理论还没有引出,希望在之后的日子里能...
Link to the code that reproduces this issue To Reproduce yarn dev click the link to navigate client side to /redirect the /redirect page.tsx has a server side redirect back to / note th...
js import { getSession } from "next-auth/react"; export default function ProtectedPage() { return 保护页面; } export async function getServerSideProps(context) { const session = await getSession(context); if (!session) { // 未登录则跳转到登录页面 return { redirect: { destination: '...
条件重定向可以通过在页面组件中使用getServerSideProps或getStaticProps函数来实现。这些函数在服务器端执行,并在页面加载之前获取数据。我们可以在这些函数中检查条件,并根据条件返回不同的redirect对象。 下面是一个示例,演示如何在Next.js中实现条件重定向: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import { useRouter } from 'next/route...
//,// Optional: Prevent automatic `/me` -> `/me/`, instead preserve `href`// skipTrailingSlashRedirect: true,// Optional: Change the output directory `out` -> `dist`// distDir: 'dist',}...
对我们来说,的确很有诱惑:1. 路由功能,替换react-router2. 基于getServerSideProps的SSR功能。 3....
}exportasyncfunctiongetServerSideProps(context) {constsession =awaitunstable_getServerSession( context.req, context.res, authOptions );if(!session) {return{redirect: {destination:"/",permanent:false, }, }; }return{props: { session, },