DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:[YOUR-PASSWORD]" 如果是本地 PostgreSQL 数据库,只需要将上述连接URL改为如下格式: DATABASE_URL="postgresql://username:mypassword@localhost:5432/dbname?schema=sample" 还必须将路径下prisma路径下的文件schema.prisma中...
PostgreSQL:PostgreSQL是一款强大的开源关系型数据库,具有高性能、可扩展、安全等优点。我们的项目将使用PostgreSQL存储用户信息、视频数据等。 三、项目实现 搭建项目环境 首先,我们需要安装Node.js和npm(Node.js包管理器)。然后,通过npm安装Next.js、Prisma和PostgreSQL客户端。最后,创建一个新的PostgreSQL数据库,并配置...
我们使用docker-compose保存 postgresql 容器的设置,在项目根目录下添加docker-compose-yml文件,文件内容如下: version:'3.1'services:db:image:postgres:11.7container_name:prisma-next-nexus-postgrerestart:alwaysenvironment:POSTGRES_USER:prismaNextNexusPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:${POSTGRESPWD}ports:-54333:5432volumes:-./db...
// Data source datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } // Generator generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } // Data model model Post { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) title String content String? published Boolean @default(false) author ...
在Prisma 中打印执行的 SQL 可以通过在PrismaClient实例上设置log配置参数来实现。具体步骤如下: 在你的Prisma项目根目录中,找到prisma/schema.prisma文件 在datasource块中,找到你正在使用的数据库配置,并添加provider = "postgresql"和enabled = true属性
Prisma ORM when deployed to edge functions now supports drivers for Neon Database (and Vercel Postgres), PlanetScale and Turso via their serverless drivers on both Vercel and Cloudflare, and additionally PostgreSQL via pg on Cloudflare 💥 We also have extensive documentation: https://www.prisma....
open-source typescript nextjs postgresql prisma tailwindcss trpc next-auth zod turborepo t3-stack Updated Dec 13, 2024 TypeScript makeplane / plane Star 31.2k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source JIRA, Linear, Monday, and Asana Alternative. Plane helps yo...
Next, we’ll create a global PrismaClient instance using the @prisma/client package, which will enable us to communicate with the PostgreSQL database. To do this, we need to create a file named prisma.ts within the “lib” directory and add the following code to it. src/lib/prisma.ts...
Navigate to the folder: cd nextjs14-auth Run the command to install the required libs: pnpm install Run PostgreSQL Database via Docker Compose: docker compose up Run the Web App: cp .env.example .env Run the Web App: pnpm dev Open your favorite browser: http://localhost:3000/memberCreat...
npx prisma init The commandprisma initwill do the initial setup for the Prisma client. Then, to connect to the database and start using Prisma, you need to add theDATABASE_URLto your.envfile: DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/databasename?schema=public" ...